The GFWC Coral Gables Woman’s Club (CGWC) held its annual President’s Reception on March 30th honoring their President Arely Ruiz. The Club’s very creative and artistic First Vice President, Yvonne Llauro, coordinated a Studio 54 themed party bringing the glitz and glamour of the 70’s disco era to this affair. During the evening, Arely received a gift from the board and all of the Past Presidents were presented a bouquet and took a commemorative photo.
It was a busy week for these women who also had a fund raiser days later on April 2 with Clutch Burger’s second Gringo Bingo for charity. The event held the previous month for Gables Rotarians’ veterans program at the VA Hospital raised more than $1,650 and proceeds from this most recent event are still coming in but exceeded $1,200. Thanks again Ana and Steven Bradley and all the local merchants such as Local, Kao Sushi, Bulla, Kings Bowl, RICE, Dragonfly, Miss Saigon Bistro, The BAR, Pisco y Nazca, Smoothie King, The GoldenTriangle, Divino Ceviche, Related ISG International Realty, Community Newspapers, DJ Germain and many other donors for making the first event such a success. Among the many enjoying the affair were several CGWC Past Presidents including Dorothy Thomson with hubby, Jack: Linda Hartwell; Mayra Dominguez; and current President Arely Ruiz with most of her family. Next up, Clutch Burger’s Gringo Bingo on May 7th, will benefit CGWC with the General Federation of Women’s Clubs District 11 clubs for the state President’s Project, Operation Smile. Operation Smile believes every child deserves a smile and provides operations for children with cleft palates.
These club women are hosted a free Women’s Health Fair on April 13th , 9 a.m. – 2 p.m. CGWC Home Life Chair Mayra Dominguez lined up some great speakers addressing everything from financial management, retirement issues, health and fitness to assisted living options. Lite refreshments for breakfast and lunch were served.
Saturday, May 4, 2019, promises to be a busy just a week before Mothers’ Day weekend. With that in mind, the Coral Gables Woman’s Club is offering a wonderful afternoon affair for daughters and granddaughters to share with their moms and grandmothers with a traditional lavish high tea. Tickets are $50 per person and $25 for children under 12 years . Mark your calendars and email club president Arely Ruiz at arely@arelypr.com for more information or to reserve space.
That same night, May 4, at 6:30 p.m., plan on attending The Marc Jaiden Project 5th Annual Gala to be held at Eden Roc Miami Beach. The foundation benefits communities with limited resources to acquire better vision through screening, donated glasses, etc. By the way, several service organizations are helping collect use eyeglasses for the Marc Jaiden Foundation and asked anyone who would like to donate to email me gloria@cnews.net or visit for more information on the Gala.
Finally, A Safe Haven for Newborns Annual Golf Tournament will be held Friday, May 10, at Trump National Resort with a 1 p.m. Shotgun start. Help founder Nick Silverio and his many volunteers save babies from abandonment by sponsoring and/or participating in this funfilled event. Nick recently celebrated having saved baby 300 from abandonment. Nick works 24/7 to insure pregnant mothers have a resource to call and nneds your help. For information call Nick at 305 882-1304 X 103 or email safehaven@safehavenfornewborns.com.
Until next time, keep making each day count.