Reps. Salazar, Donalds, and Díaz-Balart Reintroduce DEMOCRACIA Act

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Today, Reps. María Elvira Salazar (R-FL), Byron Donalds (R-FL), and Mario Díaz-Balart (R-FL) reintroduced the bicameral Denying Earnings to the Military Oligarchy in Cuba and Restricting Activities of the Cuban Intelligence Apparatus (DEMOCRACIA) Act to hold the illegitimate Cuban communist regime accountable through comprehensive sanctions and unprecedented financial pressure. Senators Rick Scott (R-FL), Marco Rubio (R-FL), Tim Scott (R-SC), Tommy Tuberville (R-AL), and Roger Marshall (R-KS) introduced the companion bill in the Senate.
“As the daughter of Cuban exiles, I am committed to fighting against the murderous regime that forced so many of us to flee,” said Rep. Salazar. “The DEMOCRACIA Act will ensure that any foreign company choosing to do business with the Castro regime will be blocked from doing business with the United States. We will not stand idly by as foreign businesses supply oxygen to a brutal dictatorship. The United States must not do business with dictators.”
The DEMOCRACIA Act would authorize the President to impose sanctions on members of the Cuban government and their families as well as any foreign person who engages in any activity with Cuba’s defense, security or intelligence apparatus, or any other sector involved in carrying out human rights abuses or providing support for international terrorism.
The bill also designates a taskforce to provide Internet access to the Cuban people that would be impossible to censure by the Cuban authorities. Access to free information will allow the Cuban people to mobilize more efficiently against their government while documenting the sustained human rights abuses the Cuban government perpetrates against its populace.
“For six decades, the Cuban people have faced unimaginable horrors that have denied their fundamental human rights, subjected them to imprisonment and abuse, and limited the prosperity of millions. This legislation targets the worst abusers in the authoritarian government accountable are their egregious human rights violations against democracy activists and reaffirms our commitment to freedom, liberty, and justice. The Cuban people need and deserve the full support of the United States in their relentless and righteous fight for liberation from the Communist Cuban regime,” said Rep. Donalds.
“I am proud to, once again, join my colleagues in this crucial legislation to impose tough sanctions on those who enrich the murderous, oppressive, and anti-American Cuban dictatorship. As brave pro-democracy and human rights activists continue to face brutality, imprisonment, and repression for simply demanding freedom, this legislation will deny resources to the regime’s machinery of oppression, including the Cuban military and state security. I commend my colleagues, Congressman Byron Donalds and Senator Rick Scott, for their leadership in holding human rights abusers accountable, and for their strong solidarity with the Cuban people,” said Rep. Mario Díaz-Balart.

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