Say no to the pillow face trend

Say no to the pillow face trend

Say no to the pillow face trendWhen I think of plastic surgery and aesthetic treatments, I think of natural, fresh and airy. Unfortunately, plastic surgery and fillers have become anything but natural. The new idea of filling deflated areas of the face has become extremely convoluted. What started out as a great idea has become distorted. Friends and people you know have become overfilled, looking pillow-faced and a bit like chipmunks. Why is this happening? And how can you improve your appearance without looking distorted?

Call me a skeptic but cash may have something to do with this phenomenon! The more filler used, the more money the physician makes. There are many well-qualified and ethical physicians, so find one. I believe that we live in a society where people automatically think that more is better. Patients frequently start with small amounts of injections and as they see results and get more comfortable with the injections, they feel that more may look better. This is not necessarily true.

Here’s a recipe for taking full advantage of what’s available in the non-surgical aesthetic market while remaining true to your looks. My first suggestion is to take a picture of yourself before you start. This will allow you to remain grounded in your treatment plan. Pick a board-certified facial plastic surgeon, plastic surgeon or dermatologist. Although there are many other types of physicians who are injecting fillers, these are the physicians who have trained in aesthetic medicine and generally know what is good and safe for patients. Once you have selected your doctor, have a consultation and discuss all the available products and treatments. If you’re concerned that you are not seeing eye to eye with your physician, get a second opinion.

Once you have started your treatment, wait for approximately three months and reevaluate your face. Don’t forget to look at the pre-treatment pictures to get a perspective and evaluate your evolving appearance. If you like how you look, continue at the same pace. If you don’t, ask your doctor how to improve the results, or change your physician. Here’s one other piece of advice: If your friends are looking a bit distorted, be sure to let them know. It shows that you are a caring and honest friend. With today’s modern treatments, there is no excuse to not look good.

Dr. Carlos Wolf is a partner in Miami Plastic Surgery and is board certified. Email your questions to or call 305-595-2969. Please feel free to visit or follow Dr. Wolf on Instagram @carloswolfmd.

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