Grey Ghost Football has long been a staple in the South Miami Community. As one of the main contenders in the Miami Xtreme Youth Football League (tackle football), the Grey Ghost Football Program has achieved great success throughout the years.
In the recent years a different version of the beloved sport has quickly been gaining popularity among young athletes. Flag football, up until recently, was considered a recreational sport. That all changed in 2017 with the inception of the AFFL (American Flag Football League). Furthermore, the AFFL just gained the official support of the NFL by announcing a broadcast agreement that will air live games on the NFL Network.
This creates a changing landscape for young athletes everywhere and on July 1st, 2018 the 7U South Miami Grey Ghost Flag Football team experienced just how great this opportunity can be. After two undefeated back to back seasons in the South Miami Youth Flag Football League at Palmer Park, the 7U team jumped in a van for the 12-hour trip to play in the National Flag Football Tournament Series – Battle Carolina Tournament in Matthews, North Carolina. With the support of amazing parents and community sponsors like The M*ergy Experience, Mia Realty, Thunder Electric, Charter Airlines, and other individuals, the team was able to take the 4-day adventure will all expenses covered.
“We believe these experiences should not only be about the sport, but about feeding the mind, body, and spirit; About teaching these extremely talented and bright children about the endless possibilities life has to offer; About empowering them and instilling the confidence needed to help them achieve their goals.” says Jeni Vazquez, team mom.
The day before the tournament the children had breakfast with an Executive from Nestle, who taught them about the secrets to success and the importance of supporting one another. They then got to meet with the family of a former Navy football player and were even allowed to try on his Bowl game helmets. The day was jam packed with fun and motivation to get them ready for the tournament the next day.
The morning of the tournament the 7U Grey Ghost Flag Football Team woke up with fire in their eyes. Ready to take on anyone. Defeating team after team in the midst of a heat wave, the Grey Ghosts went undefeated in 5 straight games crowning them champions of Battle Carolina.
“Those kids laid it all out on that field. Feet burning from the heat of the turf, exhaustion from game after game, but nothing could compete with their determination and will to win. The comradery and brotherhood of this team is beyond anything I have ever experienced.” says Coach Alfonso Llanes.
After their stellar performance in North Carolina, the 7U South Miami Grey Ghost Flag Football team is now ranked 3rd in the nation and has been invited to compete in the National Flag Football Championships in Orlando in January 2019.
This team is determined to take it to the top and make a name nationally for the South Miami Grey Ghost Organization. They are ready to show the world just how amazing our South Miami community is.