South Miami Lutheran Church Celebrates 75 years

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In July of 1948, forty-eight people gathered in South Miami Theatre to form a new church. In 1949 the church moved to it’s first chapel on Red Road ( where the Home Center is now). In 1956 the church was bursting at the seams and purchased the property at 7190 Sunset Drive where a new church was built. It was the first church on Sunset Drive and in 1958 the Miami Herald featured an article about the church calling it the most strikingly modern church in Dade County and in 1961 the church was featured in Florida Architect Magazine for its innovative design.

Today, the church continues to be a landmark on it’s corner of Sunset Drive and 72nd Ave.  For over 50 years, it has presented a “Living Nativity” outside under the arch several days before Christmas. It is home to it’s own NAEYC accredidated preschool, hosts many support groups each week and it’s congregation members welcome all.

Though, like many churches it no longer has over 1000 members, this congregation makes a difference in our community. They have a ladies quilting group which has contributed an average of 100 quilts a year to the Children’s Cancer Center, Kristi House and other organizations that serve children in need. They make lap robes for Perdue Nursing Center. Members have built houses for Habitat for Humanity, crocheted caps for cancer patients at Miami Cancer Center, participated in cleaning up the bay in Baynanza, supported Hope Totes at Miami Rescue Mission and more.

The church will celebrate their 75 year legacy with a service on October 8th at 9:30 am led by Pastor Pedro Suarez of the Florida Bahamas Synod of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of America, and Pastor Victo Jortack.  A celebration brunch/lunch will follow with a number of former members traveling in to help celebrate.

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