State Rep. Jose Javier Rodriguez (Dist. 112) has a passion, a passion for wanting to end the detrimental influence of special interests and their lobbyists and return government back to its rightful owners — the residents, voters and taxpayers of District 37.
In a year where long time establishment candidates are scrambling for cover, Rodriguez is a breath of fresh air. During his three-plus years as a state representative covering most of the same geographical area as Senate District 37, Rep. Rodriquez has distinguished himself as the champion for working families, education and the environment.
Serving as vice chair of the Miami-Dade Delegation, he has worked diligently to make it more effective in bringing home tax dollars needed for infrastructure improvements, public safety and our schools.
“Public education should be better funded. Unfortunately, our state has not complied,” Rodriguez said. “Funds have been diverted by the for profit charter school industry where overall standards are less for those charter schools than they are for our traditional public schools.”
The Harvard Law School graduate, who served in the U.S. Peace Corps in West Africa, worked several years defending the rights of those who couldn’t afford to pay for lawyers. It was only a matter of time before his calling to help change the course of “business as usual” in Tallahassee would lead him to run for office.
Assaults on the environment from the algae bloom allegedly caused by “Big Sugar” polluting our waters to FPL’s Turkey Point increasing cooling canal water temperatures along with detrimental increases in salinity has caused great concern.
State Rep. Rodriguez wasted no time in demanding for a vote to re-write the state’s water policies in order to safeguard our drinking water and protect the oceans.
The recent shooting in Orlando with the use of an assault weapon prompted Rep. Rodriguez to call for a special session demanding common sense reforms. His call for a legislative response regarding background checks and changes as to whom is allowed to purchase an assault weapon fell on deaf ears.
“I have been on the record calling for a special session regarding background checks and changes as to who is able to purchase assault weapons,” he said.
Voters who reside in Senate District 37 should consider Rep Rodriguez on November 08.