The Symphonettes, founded in 1966, is a community service club composed of high school girls dedicated to enriching and promoting the arts in MiamiDade County. Members serve community service shifts, usher at concerts, and fundraise with events throughout the year.
Symphonettes’ major fundraisers include a garage sale, fall raffle, silent auction and annual fashion show. In the past year, Symphonettes has contributed over $33,000 to nine musical organizations including South Florida Youth Symphony, St. Martha’s Yamaha Concert Series, Miamians Barbershop Chorus, Miami Children’s Theater, Coral Gables Chamber Symphony, Florida Youth Orchestra, Actors’ Playhouse, Miami Children’s Chorus and Greater Miami Youth Symphony. In addition to organizations, the club has donated over $9,000 to six different public schools in MiamiDade County, as well as eight $2,000 scholarships for students in Florida International University’s music program.
This year the Symphonettes celebrates its 50th anniversary of dedication and service to the community. Since the group’s founding in 1966, young women from across MiamiDade County have spent time volunteering and working to promote the arts and music in our community.
Jeannie Szomstein is the first junior president in the history of the club and she attends Ransom Everglades School. Working alongside her are the parent advisors Rebecca Szomstein, Keith Landon, and Isabel Garret.