Tallahassee Talks

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Mayor Harris and Councilmembers made several visits to Tallahassee and Washington, D.C. during the 2023 State and Federal Legislative Sessions to advocate for the City’s legislative priorities, which included:

Water Surcharge: Florida Statutes 180.191 currently allows municipalities that operate water and sewer outside their boundaries to set rates for consumers outside their jurisdiction at a higher rate than is charged to residents within their municipal boundaries. However, Miami Gardens advocated for legislation prohibiting municipalities from levying more significant surcharges to consumers outside their City limits when the municipality has water utilities in its jurisdiction.

Septic to Sewer Conversation: Approximately 7300 properties in Miami Gardens operate on septic systems. Therefore, the City requested funding assistance to coordinate efforts with the utility agencies (Miami Dade County and North Miami Beach) to upgrade the existing infrastructure to allow sewer connectivity to septic tank communities.  

Infrastructure Improvements: The City of Miami Gardens supported legislation that provides funding for urban communities to implement, install, or upgrade infrastructure to include: broadband internet, roads, bridges, water and drainage infrastructure, and supports resilience projects.

Stormwater Grant Funding: The City of Miami Gardens requested funding to design and construct drainage systems in areas where flooding occurs, and to install and replace sidewalks to increase walkability in and around our neighborhoods.

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