The Council’s Columns: Councilwoman Linda Julien

Council Member Photography: AJ Shorter II


Shirley Gibson gave birth to something that many people did not believe would happen. She never took “no” for an answer, and the work that she’s done is remarkable; it’s legendary. This woman not only fought, for years, to incorporate a City, but also to create a space for people of color to thrive and call home. We stand on her shoulders.

Council Member
Photography: AJ Shorter II

I feel like the journey just began, and here I am up for re-election. We’ve accomplished a lot together. My office continued to help small businesses with funding, finding spaces, and providing them with a platform where they can thrive. We’ve helped homeowners with securing federal funds and grant dollars.

We sent 40 college students off with essential resources like laptops, refrigerators, and microwaves to get their journey started. I also sponsored an open house for our Police Department to recruit Police Explorers because I know firsthand the impact that experience has on individuals.

We held a career fair in partnership with Wells Fargo Miami Beach, aimed at getting more people of color into the finance industry. During the event, a few people were hired on the spot. Due to its success, we intend to host this event twice per year. We hosted our first annual Miami Gardens Multicultural Festival with all the countries represented — flags, different foods, and some history about each culture. Whether it was through dance, music, or folklore, we did something to represent every continent. There is space for everyone in Miami Gardens to be respected and celebrated.

Lastly, I sponsored a resolution to reduce speeding in school zones. A speed detection device will be installed in all school zones around the City, and the moment someone goes 10 miles above the speed limit, they will be in violation. Our kids should not be anxious when walking or riding their bikes to school.

My Science & Engineering Fair is coming up, with the competition on December 11th and the awards ceremony on December 12th. Historically, only elementary schools could participate, but this year, we opened it up to three middle schools that are trying to get S.T.E.M designations. We’re excited about our kids’ enthusiasm for Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics.

My office has also funded resources for those impacted by domestic violence. I focus on funding sources for education, our kids, public safety, helping domestic violence victims, and breast cancer — these are causes that I think deserve a champion.

I want to thank my constituents for their support, their prayers, and all of their ideas. Everybody plays a role; everybody has a part in this story. I want to encourage our constituents to spend as much time with their loved ones as possible, because tomorrow is not promised to anyone. We have so much more that unites than divides us. Volunteer at a local organization, help a neighbor in need, share a smile or a hug, or do a random act of
kindness. This could make a world of differences in someone’s life.



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