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The recent vote on the zoning changes on Miracle Mile opens the door to a new paradigm: from shopping on the Mile to living on the Mile. Yes, it will be a fundamental change to George Merrick’s vision of the commercial downtown he created close to 100 years ago.
So on behalf of the Historic Preservation Association of Coral Gables, an application for local historic designation for Miracle Mile has been submitted to the Coral Gables historic preservation office.
The four-block commercial area qualifies under the city’s development code Section 3-1103. This area is part of George Merrick’s 1920s Coral Gables City Plan which was designated a local historic landmark in 2018 by the city’s Historic Preservation Board. The development of a downtown (the corridor that sits on Coral Way between LeJeune and Douglas Roads) fulfilled Merrick’s vision of his City Beautiful precepts. One of the original entrances on LeJeune continues to welcome visitors to “one of the few remaining developments of its type that has maintained its original purpose and significance.”
The Section 3-1103/C. Aesthetic significance criteria qualify Miracle Mile as a “distinctive area” and “contributes to a quality or identity of…the city.”
We all know it is historic. Let’s now make it official.
Please send your support for the official historic designation of Miracle Mile to Historic Preservation Officer Warren Adams at
The Historic Preservation Association of Coral Gables is a 501(c)3 non-profit founded in 1991. The Association promotes the understanding of the importance of historic resources and their preservation. For more information and/or to support the mission of HPACG, visit