The Palmetto Bay Village Council voted during special council meetings on Aug. 3 and 15 to install permanent asphaltic speed tables in 10 areas of the village to reduce speeding and calm traffic.
Resolution No. 2016-60 was sponsored by Councilmember Larissa Siegel Lara and co-sponsored by Councilmember Tim Schaffer. The final vote at adoption was, in favor: Mayor Eugene Flinn; Councilmembers Karyn Cunningham, Tim Schaffer and Larissa Siegel Lara, and opposed, Vice Mayor John DuBois.
It was the first permanent traffic calming project since 2010.
Councilmember Lara was happy the resolution passed and explained the need for it.
“Traffic in South Dade is difficult — most of us experience it every day,” Lara said. “Most of the council has spent quite a bit of time talking to residents about it. The village plan is comprehensive, and addresses three significant issues: transit options, improving traffic flow within the village and, most pressing, ensuring safety. We’ve talked, gathered input. I called for the special council meeting and sponsored legislation because it is time to start taking action.”
During the Aug. 3 meeting the council approved a contract with Williams Paving Company to install multiple, permanent asphaltic speed tables in the following locations: Area south of SW 168th Street; north of SW 180th Street from 87th Court to 84th Avenue; on SW 174th Street at 84th Avenue, 86th Avenue and 87th Court.
During the Aug. 15 meeting the council approved the installation of permanent asphaltic speed tables in following five areas: two tables will be placed on SW 77th Avenue between Old Cutler Road and 176th Street; two tables will be placed on SW 174th Street between Old Cutler Road and 77th Avenue; two tables will be placed on SW 83rd Avenue between 180th Street and 184th Street; two tables will be placed on SW 93rd Avenue between 174th Street and 182nd Street, and three tables will be placed on SW 94th Avenue between 176th Street and 183rd Terrace.
Approval of the project was encouraged by the results of a pilot program in December 2015 by the Public Services Department for placement of temporary speed hump devices for a 90-day period at locations that were identified in the June 18, 2015 Traffic Calming Initiative Presentation. The report said that the temporary traffic calming devices installed “effectively reduced speeds to 25 mph or less with nominal reduction in volume.”
Construction is set to begin in September for the permanent speed tables. The village council approved the selection of Williams Paving Company to construct speed tables for an amount of $5,985 per speed table with a total project cost not to exceed $85,000.
Mayor Flinn said he was pleased by the progress they had made.
“I’m so glad we have finally been able to take the necessary steps to getting our neighborhoods their long anticipated permanent traffic calming devices after such a long hiatus,” Flinn said. “I’d like to thank Councilman Schaffer for both pushing this item forward and introducing the innovative 90-day temporary speed hump program, allowing us to reach those problem areas much more quickly. I know I speak for the entire council when I say that we are all committed to the safety of our residents and livability of our neighborhoods.”
For more information, call Village Hall at 305-259-1234.