Village joins with others to help small businesses

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Village joins with others to help small businesses
Pictured (l-r) are panel members Ray Juncosa, Darcie Brown, Alejandro Buitrago, Debra Salas, Oscar Mendez Jr. (behind the mayor) and Mayor Karyn Cunningham.

The Village of Palmetto Bay conducted its inaugural Lunch and Learn event dedicated to helping small businesses on Oct. 21. The village partnered with the Palmetto Bay Business Association and the event was sponsored by TD Bank.

With the title of “Access to Capital – Start or Grow Your Business,” the gathering at the Palmetto Bay Branch Library in Ludovici Park featured a panel of five experts representing lending organizations and the Small Business Administration.

Speaking were Debra Salas, lead lender relations specialist, brand manager, YEFL, South Florida District, U.S. Small Business Administration; Alejandro Buitrago, vice president and business development officer at Florida First Capital Finance Corporation; Darcie Brown, loan processing and closing manager at Florida First Capital Finance Corporation; Ray Juncosa, consultant and senior program coordinator at FIU Small Business Development Center, and Oscar Mendez Jr., senior vice president and SBA business development officer at Pacific National Bank.

The panel discussed the various capital programs available to small businesses and how to navigate the process with the lenders.

Maria Pineda, the village’s Community & Economic Development director, helped arrange the meeting and was pleased with the outcome.

“The event was a success,” Pineda said. “More than 20 small business owners attended, some existing and some new prospects. TD bank was the sponsor of the event and there were many business assistance programs offered.”

Mayor Karyn Cunningham introduced the participating experts on the panel and is excited about economic progress in the village.

“We are definitely doing something right,” Mayor Cunningham said. “During the height of the pandemic almost 100 new businesses opened in the village. While many cities are trying to recruit businesses from other places, the village is working to support and provide resources to our local mom and pop businesses, which are the backbone of local economic development.

“This is a really great example of what happens when you get the right people together. I handed an idea to the PBBA, Chamber South, FFC and TDBank and they really took this to the next level,” the mayor said.

For information about the organizations and assistance for small businesses call Maria Pineda at 305-259-1276 or send an email to

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