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As Miami is experiencing record temperatures, it is not only the human inhabitants that are in need of relief from the heat, animals are also facing the challenges of trying to stay cool and hydrated.

At Zoo Miami, the staff works very hard to help ensure that the animals under their care receive all that they need to stay healthy during this unprecedented heat wave.  Being that the animals at Zoo Miami naturally come from tropical and sub-tropical climates (no penguins or polar bears here!), they are generally better adapted to this hot weather than most humans.  However, with these exceptionally high temperatures, the staff often provides additional enrichment for some of the animals as added stimulation and relief.

In addition to ensuring that their pools are full for both drinking and bathing, keepers will provide animals with special cool showers as well as piles of ice, both to chew and cool off on.  An example of special enrichment items are colorful sloth bear popsicles.  These massive popsicles were made by Zoo Miami interns who worked together with our Well-Being and Nutrition departments to create something that not only mentally and physically stimulated the animals by encouraging foraging behavior, they also provided a refreshing cold item on an exceptionally hot day.  The popsicles weighed over 50 pounds and were comprised of six layers, each filled with some of the bear’s favorite ingredients.  The first layer consisted of Pina Colada Kool Aide with grapes.  The second contained apple slices.  The third had blue food coloring with blueberries.  The fourth had red food coloring with raspberries and strawberries.  The fifth had mealworms and the sixth had orange food coloring with nectar and peaches!  Each layer had to be constructed and allowed to freeze separately around a fire hose loop that was used to hang the popsicles with a chain from a tree on the habitat.  Both sloth bears thoroughly enjoyed their popsicles and seemed genuinely refreshed as they dug into them with their powerful claws while licking away as the melting ice dripped on top of them, providing added cooling!

Though providing adequate shade, shelter and plenty of fresh water is all that most of the animals at Zoo Miami require to get through these very hot days, zoo staff, along with some very dedicated interns, are committed to ensure that they have the best possible environment to support their well-being in every possible way.  Providing a variety of enrichment items throughout the year to Zoo Miami animals is a key component to their overall care.  

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