Florida Power & Light energizes classrooms with zany, new educational school show

The fast-paced educational school show, “Men in Plaid: The Kilowatt Connection,” is energizing classrooms throughout Florida Power & Light Company’s service territory. The program, featuring an incredible cast of characters, is available free of charge to teachers who are looking to enrich their science curricula for the 2012-13 school year.

“Men in Plaid: The Kilowatt Connection” delivers important energy conservation messages through an engaging cast of characters including Moldy and Skuller, The Boss, Ooot Blatuu, and The Slug. The foursome travels the planet finding ways electricity is being used unsafely and unwisely. The cast teaches students how energy is made, used and wasted and why it’s important to conserve it.

“We know that many teachers reach into their own pockets to supplement their teaching and to help bring lessons to life,” said FPL’s Education Program Manager, Maureen Wilt. “It’s our hope that programs like this will inspire students to be energy conservation advocates in their homes and ease the educational load on Florida teachers.”

The show is performed by professional actors from The National Theatre for Children based in Minneapolis, Minn. This organization specializes in writing and performing educational programs for children nationwide using simple sets and audience participation.

The 25-minute live theatre performance is offered to kindergarten through fifth-grade students in FPL’s service territory. The show can be performed at individual schools in the gym, cafeteria or any large assembly area where students can be seated on the floor. Each show includes grade-appropriate workbooks for each student, and comprehensive online teacher guides.

To learn more about arranging a performance or to see the tour schedule, visit www.fpl.com/community/learning/show.shtml http://www.fpl.com/community/learning/show.shtml .

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