FPL strengthens the electric infrastructure as part of 2012 reliability and storm preparedness plan

Florida Power & Light Company is continuing its initiative to strengthen the electric infrastructure and improve service reliability and is on track to complete key improvements this year. The upgrades are part of the company’s $200 million investment in 2012 to improve everyday reliability, better prepare the electric system to withstand Florida’s powerful winds and storms as well as speed up service restoration when outages occur.

“FPL has the most reliable service of any investor-owned utility in Florida and ranks among the very best in the nation,” said FPL External Affairs Manager Ramon Ferrer. “Our typical residential customer bill is the lowest out of the 55 electric utilities in the state. While no utility can ever be completely interruption-proof, we’re working hard every day to provide our customers with electric service they can count on.”

FPL customers can visit www.FPL.com/maps and enter their street address to see a detailed map of electrical improvements in their neighborhoods. This online tool shows the system improvements – including pole inspections, line clearing, power line strengthening and power line inspections – FPL has made.

Systemwide Improvements and Service Reliability
Across its service area, FPL has cleared vegetation from more than 75,000 miles of power lines since 2006 to help keep reliability high. The company has further strengthened its electric infrastructure by inspecting more than 800,000 utility poles since 2006. During that time, the company has also strengthened 318 main power lines serving critical and community facilities such as hospitals, police and fire stations and emergency operations centers.

FPL’s strong service reliability ranks in the top 25 percent of comparable utilities nationwide and again ranked first for reliability among investor owned utilities in Florida for 2011 – the sixth consecutive year. In addition, the company has received the Service One Award for exceptional customer service for eight years in a row.

2006-2012 Infrastructure Investments and Action Plan
Following the 2004–2005 hurricane seasons that saw seven storms in a 15-month period, FPL responded to the state’s call to maintain a high level of storm preparation and keep service reliability high. FPL embarked on a series of comprehensive investments and improvements to strengthen its electric infrastructure to better withstand the impact of severe weather. The work is also designed to further reduce customer outages through aggressive preventive maintenance on its power lines and equipment. For the period 2006-2011, FPL invested more than $900 million to strengthen the electric grid against major storms, keep service reliability high as well as speed up service restoration time when outages occur.

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