Healthy eating of what some call “rabbit foods” can be as tasty as a burger and fries. For example, dark chocolate (in moderation) supplies the body with antioxidants. Red meat is not off the table either. The Mayo Clinic’s website lists lean beef cuts that are lower in fat and cholesterol.
Healthiness, however, often lies in preparation. Dark chocolate packed with caramel and sugar becomes less heart-healthy, as does beef, slathered with butter and cheese. Instead, lay it over a bed of brown rice and vegetables with a red wine sauce –an impeccable dish.
Dancing is both a fun and convenient way to exercise with endless possibilities, considering the styles dance and music today. By yourself, you can throw on a CD of rap beats to practice hip-hopping or even break dancing in a bedroom.
Even a night of fox trotting with that special partner will make up for exercise you might otherwise avoid.
Most extra-busy individuals lack proper rest. Recent research shows the risk of heart problems will grow 48 percent without a minimum of six hours of nightly snoozing. due to a correlation between arterial calcification and heightened blood pressure.
There are simple answers: spend less time on the computer or Smartphone, especially just before sleep. An earlier bedtime also helps as does the quality of sleep because catching Z’s accompanied by lights or loud music will disrupt healthy sleeping patterns.