Thursday, March 15 – Sunday, April 8, 2018,
Except for March 19- 20 and April 2- 3
WHAT: The Miami-Dade County Youth Fair & Exposition is here for its 67th year of annual family-friendly fun with new attractions, entertainment and delicious eats. The Miami-Dade County Youth Fair & Exposition is ranked as the largest fair in Florida and one of the top 27 largest fairs and expositions throughout North America. It attracts 600,000 guests of all ages every spring. The Youth Fair & Exposition is a true family experience packed with adrenaline-pumping rides, fun games, mouth-watering food, live outdoor concerts, sensational shows, livestock/agricultural competitions and over 63,000 local artistic, academic and agricultural student exhibits. The Youth Fair & Exposition will be open for 21 days for the fourth year in a row.
WHO: Miami-Dade County Fair & Exposition, Inc. is a not-for-profit organization dedicated to enriching our community by promoting education and South Florida agriculture, while showcasing and rewarding youth achievement. They accomplish this by producing a world-class annual Youth Fair & Exposition with quality family entertainment, and providing facilities and resources for over 70 other events throughout the year. The Youth Fair & Exposition partners with Miami-Dade County Public Schools and the Miami-Dade County Parks, Recreation and Open Spaces Department to bring fresh opportunities to children from pre-kindergarten to high school seniors. The result is year-round programs in academics including fine arts, agriculture, science, technology, engineering, mathematics, social sciences and language arts as well as summer camps and athletic competitions.
WHEN: Thursday, March 15 – Sunday, April 8, 2018, except for March 19 & 20, April 2 & 3.
WHERE: Miami-Dade County Youth Fair & Exposition, located at Tamiami Park, 10901 SW 24 Street (Coral Way). Miami, FL 33165, its home for the past 46 years.
DETAILS: Gates open to the general public at 3 p.m. March 15, 16, 21 & 22 and April 4 – 6. Gates open at noon on all other operating days. The regular 2018 Youth Fair admission price is $14 for ages 6 to 64 and Unlimited Rides are $30 Monday through Thursday and $37 Friday through Sunday. Youngsters 5 and under & seniors 65 and better enter free every day, all day. Admission is free all day for active duty and retired military personnel (with valid military ID) on Opening Day, March 15 and each Wednesday. Additional information is available at www.fairexpo.com. Parking is only $5.00 when purchased online by March 14th and $10.00 starting on March 15th.
The Youth Fair & Exposition offers many amenities for families including stroller and wheelchair rental, lost and found, paved walkways, convenient sitting areas, lush landscaping, restroom and diaper changing facilities and more. Premiere Sponsors include Coca-Cola®, the South Florida Ford dealers and Sedano’s Supermarkets. For more information, visit www.fairexpo.com or call (305) 223-7060.