Congregation Dor Chadash, one of Kendall’s most active, community-oriented synagogues, recently donated money and toys to Shalom Bayit, a program of Jewish Community Services (JCS) of South Florida (jcsfl.org) dedicated to helping domestic abuse survivors and their families.
The event, held in the congregation’s sanctuary and social hall, 9400 SW 87th Ave., coincided with the beginning of Hanukkah, the Jewish Festival of Lights.
“This is just one of the ways our congregation is reaching out and becoming more and more involved in the South Florida community,” said Rabbi Jonathan Tabachnikoff. “Domestic abuse is one of the real challenges our community faces and Shalom Bayit — which means Peace in the Home — addresses the needs of domestic abuse survivors and their families. Our congregants and religious school students were thrilled to participate.”
Shalom Bayit currently serves 36 clients including 69 children throughout Miami-Dade County. Among other services, the JCS program provides emergency shelter and interim housing in a safe house, financial assistance for food and clothing, rent, utility and child care assistance and pro bono legal services to survivors of domestic abuse.
Under the guidance of congregant Shirley Lockenbach, Dor Chadash — The New Generation — raised more than $1,900 and donated a large number of new toys, games, clothing and books to Shalom Bayit.
“Domestic abuse survivors and their families — especially the children — are among our society’s most vulnerable. If we can provide these families with joy at Hanukkah time, then we have performed a mitzvah [good deed],” said Lockenbach, who has raised funds and collected gifts for Shalom Bayit for five previous years with Temple Bet Breira Samu-El Or Olom. “It is very gratifying to be able to help this very worthwhile JCS program.”
Susan Nierenberg, LCSW, supervisor, Shalom Bayit, said the money and gifts collected would have a meaningful impact on the families, particularly the children.
“JCS is committed to helping these families to become and independent in order for them to achieve the peaceful and loving homes they deserve,” she said after receiving the check from Lockenbach. “The toys, games, dolls, books and stuffed animals donated by Dor Chadash are beautiful and will definitely brighten the lives of the children during Hanukkah.”
For more information on Congregation Dor Chadash, contact the synagogue at 305-595-3008. For moreinformation on Shalom Bayit, visit http://jcsfl.org/programs/domestic-abuse-prevention-shalom-bayit/.