(Photo credit: Gulliver Schools)
Gulliver recently began its second year as a Breakthrough Miami partner site with the launch of the Breakthrough Miami Summer Institute.
For six weeks, 120 Breakthrough scholars are spending their summer vacations immersed in a variety of summer learning activities at Gulliver’s Miller Drive and Prep campuses.
Scholars began their first day of Breakthrough’s Summer Institute by receiving their schedules and attending an all-school meeting.
During the meeting, the scholars were introduced to their teaching fellows as well as the Gulliver Prep students who will be assisting with activities throughout the summer.
The scholars also were introduced to this year’s program theme, “Behind the Music,” as teaching fellows competed against one another in their own simulation of NBC’s The Voice.
Following announcements and some housekeeping items, the scholars were off to their first period classes. Teaching subjects throughout the summer will include science, social studies, math and English, as well as electives.
In addition, Gulliver is one of two sites chosen to implement a new swim program in this summer’s curriculum as 2016 Olympic Gold Medalist Ashleigh Johnson and her sister, Chelsea Johnson, return to Miami to lead the Breakthrough Miami Aquatics Initiative.
Each year, many underserved students must overcome significant challenges to graduate from high school on time or pursue a college education. Breakthrough Miami, serves 1,200 fifth through 12th grade students from Miami-Dade County by providing an academic enrichment program that uses a students-teaching-students model. This model engages older students in teaching, tutoring, and mentoring while encouraging them to pursue careers in the field of education.
In 2015, 100 percent of Breakthrough Miami’s high school seniors graduated on time, while 100 percent enrolled in college and 98 percent selected four-year colleges, including Georgia Tech, University of Miami and NYU.
For more information about Gulliver Schools, visit www.gulliverschools.org.