Columbus Partners with CRS’ Helping Hands to Help Chronic Hunger

Over 100 students from local high schools will gather in the CCHS cafeteria to prepare 70,000 meals. 

On March 24th, Christopher Columbus High School will host a Catholic Relief Services “Helping Hands” meal preparation event which will benefit the people of the African nation of Burkina Faso who suffer from chronic hunger as a result of cyclical drought and flooding.  Over 100 students are expected to participate from several local Catholic high schools including, Christopher Columbus High School, Carrollton School of the Sacred Heart, Belen Jesuit, Our Lady of Lourdes Academy and Immaculada La Salle High School.  Their goal is to prepare 70,000 meals that morning from 8:00am – 12 noon.    The day will start with a Mass celebrated by Columbus alumnus Fr. Alejandro Rodriguez-Artola ’81 in the Lawrence Bell Theater. The event organizers include Columbus staff in collaboration with Crecencio Ruiz, Vice President of the Belen Jesuit Alumni Board, Rodger Shay, Columbus alum and Chair of the Catholic Relief Services Advisory Board, and Cristian Moreira, Knights of Columbus member.

“We are proud to host this event at Columbus and are especially glad that it is taking place during Lent, a time where, as Catholics, we not only focus on prayer, penance, and sacrifice but also on good works in preparation of the celebration of Easter,” said Columbus Principal Mr. David Pugh.

As a Catholic and Marist School, there is a unique spirit of giving and solidarity that is highly present at Columbus year-round.  Students are encouraged to follow in the footsteps of the Marist Brothers founder, St. Marcellin Champagnat, and become “Servant Leaders,” working and helping the “least” of our society, seeking the common good for all, and taking responsibility for the future of humanity.  “This is a wonderful opportunity for young people to come together to help those most in need and make a difference,” said Mr. Pugh.
About Catholic Relief Services “Helping Hands”
CRS Helping Hands is a Catholic volunteer and formation event that allows participants to serve their brothers and sisters overseas in a tangible way. Rooted in our call as Catholics to be the hands and feet of Christ in the world, volunteers work together to address hunger in both the short term and the long term. Together, volunteers package meals to send to people who suffer from chronic hunger as a result of cyclical drought and flooding in the African nation of Burkina Faso. In addition, CRS Helping Hands funds longer term, income-generating projects that allow our brothers and sisters to build a future free from hunger.
About Christopher Columbus High School
Christopher Columbus High School is a private, all-boy, Roman Catholic, college-preparatory high school, conducted by the Marist Brothers of the Schools. We aim to make Jesus Christ known and loved, as we prepare young men for higher education and for their continuous challenge of harmonizing faith, culture and life. We foster a family spirit among all who are committed to the success of the school and promote opportunities to work together as a community of learners.

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