Our choice for the District 40 Florida Senate seat is Annette Taddeo. Here are some of the reasons why…. The successful business woman who has a proven track record of watching the bottom line and creating jobs, is one of the very few candidates who can claim that distinction. For that matter, very few currently in the Florida Senate can. In addition, it is important to have a fresh perspective from time to time. As a mother, she has a deep rooted desire that our state and certainly district 40 has a public school system that is second to none and that students have vocational and technical training options should they not decide to go to college. We certainly need a well educated workforce so that businesses consider creating jobs in Miami-Dade. She also has taken firm positions that show residents that her commitment to job creation comes through empowering small businesses rather than through tax giveaways for stadium deals.
When asked about her past attempts to become a public servant she candidly responds, “I do not consider my past candidacies a loss. I view the experience as an opportunity to continue my message and fight for a government that is not controlled by special interests.”
Those who know Annette Taddeo have long realized that words like perseverance, determination and steadfast resolve best describe the daughter of the U.S. fighter pilot and veteran who served valiantly during World War II and the Korean War.
Residents of State Senate District 40 are fortunate that these attributes coupled with a great desire to give back to her community has served to propel her to run. Annette is happily married to Dr. Eric Goldstein and mother of their 11 year old daughter, Sofia.
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