The Humane Society of Greater Miami is looking for cat lovers like you to help us find homes for our adult cats through our newly launched “Finding Love – Cat Ambassadors Program.” This program aims to help cats that have been patiently awaiting a new home for far too long; some for more than three years.
The Finding Love – Cat Ambassador Program provides people the opportunity to get involved in finding homes for these fantastic felines. Simply visit our website and select a cat of your choice on our Finding Love – Cat Ambassadors Program page to become his or her special ambassador. There are so many different ways you can sponsor your special cat, such as placing promotional posters around your neighborhood, posting his or her story on your social media and wearing a t-shirt ($10 donation) that shows-off your cat. Use your unique personality and talents to help a furry friend find a home. Diane B., a volunteer at the clinic for over three years, just became a cat ambassador for Carrie, a six-year-old Domestic Short Hair mix. She got her t-shirt and is excited to try and find Carrie a new home. “I come here twice a week and am overjoyed every time I discover that another cat has found a loving home,” says the eager volunteer.
The Finding Love – Cat Ambassador Program encourages heroes of all ages to join. A superb illustration of a young Cat Ambassador is nine-year-old Luna Balzano who not only joined our great program, but also created a Facebook page called Think Petsitive. This page educates the public about animal safety and promotes pet adoptions. One Facebook post pictured her going to school wearing her t-shirt, which proudly displayed a picture of Brandon, the cat she chose to sponsor and who soon after got adopted. “Brandon was with us for over three years when he finally got adopted,” says Yvette Jorge, Cat Kennel and Adoption Supervisor of the Humane Society of Greater Miami. “It was love at first sight when his new owner walked in looking for him after the loss of his own cat. Thanks to Brandon’s ambassadors’ efforts, he finally found a loving home at the age of ten.”
For more information or to get involved in the program, please call 305-749-1807 or email
Humane Society of Greater Miami
The Humane Society of Greater Miami is a limited admit, adoption guarantee facility dedicated to placing every dog and cat in our care into a loving home, and to promoting responsible pet ownership and spay/neuter programs. Adoption guarantee means that every animal under our care is safe from the threat of euthanasia for as long as it takes to find them a forever family. We rely on our community for financial support.