Health Clubs
The South Florida entrepreneur whocreated Youfit Health Clubs already has created Youfit Health Clubs already has opened 45 clubs in several states and he now is opening his 18th club in South Florida.
Rick Berks, founder of Youfit Health Clubs (www.youfithealthclubs.com), is bringing a new concept to the traditionbound fitness world. And his new concept is proving so successful in South Florida that he now is opening another new club, in Kendall at the Publix Center at SW 112 Street and 132nd Avenue.
What, exactly, is this new concept? No long-term contracts (you pay by the month). No huge bodybuilders or gym rats. No singles scenes. No pressure to join (because there are no sales people). No pushy instructors. And no carbon footprint. These, in fact, may be the “greenest” gyms in America — the floors are made of recycled tires or Nike “grind” (old sneakers!).
Youfit Health Clubs are for what Rick Berks calls “the rest of us.” These are clubs for people who aren’t going to enter bodybuilding championships, and who aren’t there to meet other singles. And the fees probably are the lowest you’ll ever see for a first-rate fitness club.
“We’re building clubs for people who don’t want to deal with the trauma and drama of the usual health club,” Berks said. “You wouldn’t believe how often I speak with people who actually believe they have to get in shape before they’ll feel comfortable walking in to a club.”
The “Youfit” name says it all, according to Berks. He’s building clubs where people who just want to get healthier — instead of “pumped” — will “fit” right in, without feeling uncomfortable and without feeling pressure from pushy salespeople.
“We’re getting people here in South Florida off the couch,” Berks said.“We’re creating new businesses here. And we’re creating them in a way that’s good to the environment.”