Eliza & Grace Lannon, alongside friends & fellow Girl Scouts of Troop 220, Olivia & Sofia Martinez celebrated Earth Day on Sunday April 22nd by creating a serenity garden at their school, Arvida Middle, to memorialize the victims of school shootings that occurred during their tenure at AMS. This endeavor was the crowning event of their Silver Award and were honored to have Daniella Levine Cava share in their ceremony.
Arvida’s Green Team, under the direction of teacher Ms. Vicente, will be maintaining the Serenity Garden & keep creating a space for students and staff to come find a quiet space to relax & find peace, in hopes that we can prevent any future school tragedies.
The four young ladies raised funds through yard sales and were able to get donations as well. They used donated pallets, soil, plants, mulch and weed fabric to create the recycled garden. A bench for assembly and additional plants were purchased in order to beautify the existing space.