Miami attorney Jeffrey Hearne was honored with the 2018 Florida Bar Consumer Protection Lawyer of the Year Award for his commitment to tenants’ rights and advocacy, mentoring young attorneys and working on projects to benefit consumers across Florida.
The award was presented June 15 at the annual convention of The Florida Bar in Orlando by State Sen. José Javier Rodriguez, a member of the Consumer Protection Law Committee.
“This award from The Florida Bar is a recognition, not just of my work, but of the importance of tenants’ rights and the need for strong tenant protections in Florida,” Hearne said.
Hearne began working in the Housing Unit at Legal Services of Greater Miami Inc. 17 years ago after graduation from the University of Texas School of Law. He advanced to senior attorney before becoming advocacy director of the Tenants’ Rights Project. Now director of litigation, Hearne is considered an expert, having managed hundreds of cases in federally subsidized housing and eviction defense.
As an adjunct faculty member in the JD program at the University of Miami School of Law, Hearne became the director of the Tenants’ Rights Clinic, which allows law students to litigate for low-income tenants or represent them in administrative hearings. Hearne supervises and mentors these students, while educating them on landlord-tenant law.
This is the eighth year the award, created to recognize excellence, character and commitment to the practice of consumer protection law, has been given by the Consumer Protection Law Committee on behalf of The Florida Bar.