Miami Dade College (MDC) recently named its renowned school of business the Miguel B. Fernandez Family School of Global Business, Trade and Transportation. It is named after Mike Fernandez, an avid supporter of education and chair of MBF Healthcare Partners LP, a private investment firm. The naming ceremony was attended by (l-r) John Wensveen, MDC vice provost of Academic Schools; Dr. Beverly Moore-Garcia, MDC Kendall Campus president; Dr. Lenore Rodicio, MDC executive vice president and provost; Rana Shehadeh, dean of the MDC Miguel B. Fernandez Family School of Global Business, Trade and Transportation; MDC president Dr. Eduardo J. Padrón; MDC Board of Trustees chair Bernie Navarro, and MDC Board members Dr. Susan Amat, Juan C. Zapata and Dr. Rolando Montoya.
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