Louis Martinez Esq., of Diaz Reus International law firm, was elected as Chair of the MDX Board of Directors by acclamation for a second consecutive term.
“It is a great honor to be re-elected as chairman by my fellow board members,” said Mr. Martinez. “Now more than ever, MDX is fully committed to being a partner in developing this community’s mobility solutions. We have allocated all of MDX’s resources to finishing a work program that corrects and modernizes the oldest sections of this community’s most important commuter and commercial transportation corridor, as well as improving our transportation infrastructure to meet our customers’ needs. We are also preparing for the future by developing a strategic plan that compliments the MPO’s SMART Plan. The MDX Strategic Master Plan looks to build transportation hubs throughout the county while also leveraging existing MDX right-of-way for Express Bus services and other forms of mass transit. It’s a plan that uses technology to manage congestion.”
Ms. Shelly Smith Fano, Chairperson of the Miami International Hospitality Center at Miami Dade College , was re-elected Vice-Chair of the MDX Board of Directors by acclamation. Ms. Smith Fano was recently reappointed by Governor Rick Scott to serve a four-year term through 2020.
“I appreciate my fellow MDX board members for the privilege bestowed upon me, by re-electing me as Vice-Chair of MDX. I sincerely look forward to my continued commitment of serving our customers, the community and the board, as I do not take my role lightly. In addition, I offer wholehearted congratulations to my colleagues re-elected to serve on the executive committee,” said Ms. Smith Fano.
The MDX board recognized Board Member Rick Rodriguez-Piña, of Rodriguez Piña & Associates, by re-electing him to another term as Treasurer by acclamation.
“I am humbled to have been unanimously re-elected as treasurer by my fellow board members,” said Mr. Rodriguez-Piña. “It is an honor that they trust in me to continue leading MDX’s finances for the next fiscal year.”
Governor Rick Scott also appointed Mr. Lenoard Boord, CEO of Slon Capital and member of the Florida International University Board of Trustees, to the MDX Board of Directors to complete a term through 2018.