As a result of Hurricane Irma, Miami-Dade County Public Schools (M-DCPS) had to cancel seven days of school is Spetember.
Even with the loss of the seven instructional days, the district exceeds the minimum instructional hours required by the state in order to participate in the Florida Education Finance Program (FEFP). However, the loss of instructional time resulted in impacts to student learning and therefore adjustments to the school calendar were necessary to return this valuable time to students and teachers.
Following are the changes to the calendars approved by the school board at its regular monthly meeting. Five dates were converted to regular school days on the Revised Elementary and Secondary School Calendar and the Revised Juvenile Justice Center School Calendar.
The impacted dates are:
Jan. 19, 2018 (previously a teacher planning day);
Feb. 15 (previously a secondary early release day);
Apr. 19 (previously a secondary early release day);
Apr. 20 (previously a teacher planning day), and
May 17 (previously a secondary early release day).
Two dates were converted to regular school days on the Revised
Adult/Vocational Education School Calendar. The impacted dates are:
Jan. 19, 2018 (previously a teacher planning day), and
Apr. 20 (previously a teacher planning day).