U.S. Coast Guard, helps paint the West
Perrine home of Lue Scott.
Lue Scott, age 83, has lived in her West Perrine house for 40 years and she is confined to a wheelchair.
Rebuilding Together Miami and Duffy Construction partnered to make her home wheelchair accessible by widening doorways and modifying the bathroom to be ADA compliant. Scott is more independent in her home with the modifications. Volunteers put on the finishing touches by painting and landscaping her home.
“It feels like a new home. It is the best,” Ms. Scott exclaimed.
Commissioner Dennis Moss and Congressman Joe Garcia visited the renovated homes and were impressed with Rebuilding Together Miami’s good work to provide safe, dry and healthy homes for senior residents in Miami-Dade County.
More than 350 volunteers turned out to paint, landscape and repair 17 homes in the West Perrine neighborhood. By leveraging resources and organizing volunteers, Rebuilding Together Miami is able to provide repairs for homeowners to live in safe and dry homes. The homeowners live on fixed incomes, which forces them to choose between medicine and food or repairing a leaking roof.
“National Rebuild Day” is the annual signature event of Rebuilding Together when affiliates from all parts of the country plan projects to celebrate the organization’s mission and to bring national attention to the plight of America’s low-income homeowners and the communities in which they live.
Funding the home repairs are Raymond James, Booz Allen Hamilton, SunTrust, Miami Dolphins, Old Navy Miami Market, West Perrine Community Redevelopment Agency, Galvez Construction, Allied Minority Contractors, AGC Apprenticeship, AL-Flex Exterminators, Coda Roofing, Contractors Resource Center, Duffey Construction Company, Everglades Steel, First Florida Building Corp, Hollub Homes, House Doctors, Kingdom Cuts, MDM Corporation, NAWIC, OHL/Arellano, Overholt Construction, Pepsi Beverages Company, Ram Tech Construction, Shorty’s BBQ, St. Peter’s Missionary Baptist Church, Team Contracting, Valspar Paint and WM Bagsters.
“We are pleased to help the West Perrine homeowners. Rebuilding Together Miami is committed to preserving affordable housing and making a difference in the community” said Donna Fales, executive director of Rebuilding Together Miami.
For additional information visit www.rebuildingtogethermiami.org