Original Source: Watchdog Report
Argus Report: Trump learning about three branches of government rails against federal judges, part of checks and balances in Constitution, and has signed 30 more executive orders, keeping brisk pace up, but what will courts say about some of them?
State of Florida: Gov. Scott Appoints Judge Robert J. Luck to Third District Court of Appeal — The open enrollment for the Florida ‘Stanley G. Tate’ Prepaid College program ends Feb.28 and the program is an education bargain and to sign up for this education bargain before this year’s deadline go http://www.myfloridaprepaid.com/ .–Miami-Dade County is the big enchilada, contributes “36 percent,” of Florida revenue and is the “economic engine that carries the state,” says CFO Atwater at Chamber luncheon —
Miami-Dade County: With potential sale of Miami Marlins will taxpayers be “hosed again?” depends on final deal but little goes to taxpayers, potentially on the hook
Miami-Dade County Public Schools: Chair Feldman hosts celebrating friends and Family at Lotus House
Public Health Trust: JHS CEO Migoya awarded business community’s highest honor’ Sand in my Shoe Award, at sold-out Greater Miami Chamber gala honoring the banker tuned hospital administrator for a, job well done
City of Miami: Will Comcast offer seniors a “discount,” commissioner Suarez asks CEO to look into it?– Miami revenue for 2016 comes in around $326 million, healthcare costs came in “$2 million higher than expected” in past cost of diabetic employees causing rise commissioners should consider healthy life style bonus, for future medical costs could erode fiscal stability
City of Miami Beach: Will Beach support levying new sales tax, to expand homeless services, Commissioner Grieco believes after Zika hotels are burdened enough no new sale tax likely?
Community Events & Public Service: Major new show at The Margulies Collection reopens at the Warehouse – Baptist Health South Florida offers low cost calcium heart screening test through Feb. 28, noninvasive test
Editorial: Braman op-ed on hate in America is spot on, when one person loses to hate, we and our nation all lose, and what group will be next?
Letters: – advocate’s petition for FDOT to come up with alternative to yellow polls and injuries pole divers
Sponsors – Publisher’s mission statement & Subscription information is at the bottom of this issue
>>> Just because you do not take an interest in politics does not mean politics will not take an interest in you. –Pericles (430 B.C.)
>>> If you wish to be deleted, just e-mail me with that message.
>>> And here is the story done by Miami New Times when they named the publisher as the community’s Best of Miami and Best Citizen and to read the story go to: http://www.miaminewtimes.com/best-of/2003/people-and-places/best-citizen-6399517
>>> And here is the verbiage related to the award: Three years ago we said Ricker was our Best Gadfly. Given his dedication and perseverance, this new honor, Best Citizen, is well deserved. Ricker goes to 2500 mind-melting meetings annually, from the Public Health Trust’s purchasing subcommittee to the Efficiency and Competition Commission to the Alliance for Human Services’ nominating council to the school board’s audit committee. Sometimes he’s the only public observer. Object: to be the Public Citizen for all those out there who can’t attend, and to connect and serve as an information bridge among the special-interest-dominated Miami-Dade governmental institutions that seem so problematic and indifferent to the democratic process. This month his e-mail newsletter, The Watchdog Report, celebrates its [16th] Anniversary. In a former life Ricker made a handsome living as an international salesman of heart pacemakers. As the hard-working publisher of Watchdog, though, he’s struggling financially — this despite the fact that his weekly compendium of meeting summaries, analysis, interviews, and commentary has become essential reading for anyone involved in public affairs. What his written work may lack in polish, it more than makes up for in comprehensiveness. So raise a toast to the man whose official slogan says it all: “A community education resource — I go when you cannot!”
>>> And checkout the new Watchdog Report merchandising campaign
Featuring Knowledge is Bliss coffee cups and includes premium cotton super soft tee shirts.
ARGUS REPORT- Heard and seen on the street
>>> Trump learning about three branches of government rails against federal judges, part of checks and balances in Constitution, and has signed 30 executive orders, keeping brisk pace up, but what will courts say about some of them?
President Donald J. Trump had his first setback in the courts and it was because of a federal appeals court denying the lifting of a stay in regard to his executive order flagging people from seven Muslim nations from entering into the U.S, and Trump essentially said about an earlier judge that if America were attacked it would be on the judiciary’s hands, because the court ruling is jeopardizing the nation’s safety Trump tweeted and a brouhaha erupted after one Democratic senator in a discussion with supreme court nominee Neil Gorsuch said the president’s comments about the judiciary was ‘demoralizing,’ though what actually was said is still in dispute.
And while Trump ignores local editorial boards, one editorial suggests given the erratic behavior that if Trump’s cabinet voted. He could be removed if the cabinet thinks he is dangerous to national security and Vice president Mike Pence could possible be sworn in and the president with a shoot from the hip style of diplomacy and believes smoozing is the way to do foreign affairs and he has some serious challenges with North Korea, who could have a intercontinental missile after years at the rate the country is going and Iran, while put on notice is also an ally in fighting ISIS and people hope he will become more deliberate and believe his tweeting is an awful way to do foreign policy and has Foreign Service officer’s balking and signing letters of protest. And while Trump said he was a disrupter and going to shatter the Washington establishment during the campaign but the transactional business approach in foreign policy has risks
What about the Japanese Premier visiting in Florida?
Further, It is no coincidence that North Korea launched a missile Saturday (that may or not have ICBM) capabilities and frankly scares Japan in a big way and while Trump emphasized the long term relationship the country has with America and that we are also obligated to also protect Japan. But Trump needs to watch what he says for in the short time of his administration chaos and shock and awe seems to be the coin of the realm, and many of our allies are wondering where Trump will be taking in regard to the ship of state, and his negotiating style is to throw out something outrageous and then walk it back to get concessions and is kind of what he did with Mexico’s president.
What about the One China reversal by Trump this week
Further Trump has also backed down on his friendship of Taiwan and is supporting the One China policy that has Taiwan considered a rogue province of the middle kingdom. After his call to the president of Taiwan and the Chinese strongly objected to this contact by the president.
>>> PAST WDR: M-D County’s Opiate Task Force has grim job, 28 member board looking for ways to stop heroin, cocaine, fentanyl ‘epidemic,” killing users across the board, including singer Prince, illicit drugs are poisoning our community,” says Mayor Gimenez, dramatic uptick in deaths despite miracle drug Narcon
“It’s poisoning our community,” and it is an epidemic, said Miami-Dade County mayor Carlos Gimenez regarding the Heroin and Cocaine deaths from Maine to Florida and in the middle west. But are occurring at a very rapid pace in south Florida and is a bigger number than many other deaths like murder,” Further, the mayor noted it is ripping apart the social fabric of the county when heroin is mixed with fentanyl for a lethal dose, said County Mayor Carlos Gimenez. At the first Opiate Task Force Meeting Jan. 31, 2017. Further, Gimenez a former Miami fire department medic said the current situation reminded him of the rampant ‘heroin addiction in the 1970s,” that would later be replaced by cocaine.
The task force is made up of 28 members from the county’s department of health, coroner’s office, state Rep. Jose Felix Diaz, R-Miami, (the chair of the local legislative delegation). The County’s Public Defender is a member on the task force along with county Circuit Court Judge Jerri Beth Cohen, and academic medical leaders from FIU and The University of Miami physicians are included. Since the University of Miami has a state sanctioned needle exchange program that is going well, but there are challenges because this exchange program is being hampered by the lack of treatment beds that has a waiting list for patients in need of a continuum of care, said one speaker on the exchange program. And County Commissioner Sally Heyman is also on the task force.
What about Citizen Jon Schmidt who first sounded the alarm of the impending crisis years ago?
Schmidt who is a former addict runs a clinic for addicts and he had a Sunshine meeting a few years ago with County Commissioner Xavier Suarez, who did not attend but his staff did and heard Schmidt point out when the pill mills in Florida shut down many of these opiate users had become addicted to their pain pills and that would create this new wave of population addicts looking for an alternative. Further while NarCan can bring overdose people back, there was a discussion if the County’s police officers should get trained in the use of NarCan, a nasal mist and similar to what the county did with the police when it came to training officers in the use of an external defibrillator. Possible loss of life, families and children are all consequences said Schmidt who wants to put emphasis on public service ads directed to reduce physician subscriptions via announcements of the programs available and the destructive nature of the activity, many times started to ’relieve pain,” and many people don’t know some of these drugs are addictive.” And some of the forms of this drug symptoms include (a withdrawal after two weeks), loss of appetite. And the deadly heroin mixture mostly of the potent Fentanyl [and not so much of heroin “[where 2 mg of fentanyl can kill since it is more potent]’ and can even be in the form of “lollypops,’ said one speaker “and the drugs may “help people sleep but you can get withdrawal systems after stopping in “two weeks,”
And many people addicted to opioids “often move on to heroin,” and part of that is because of the “ease of access [and by many is not considered addictive] because oxycodone is a “prescription drug and thus less addictive,” and is why we “have this epidemic,” the expert said.
Further the number of prescriptions written by physicians in volume would be the equivalent in Florida of “75percent” of the scripts “subscribed.” And Judge Jerri Beth Cohen who over sees the County Drug court is believed some of these abusing physicians “should lose their medical licenses,” she considered. Given that prescription pain killers are a gateway drug to harder more lethal drugs and physicians need to follow the “CDC guidelines,” because unused medicine can end up in our community “water supply,” and why the police have “drug boxes,” where people can drop off unused drugs and the police ’incinerate, the drugs. At no cost to the police department and keeps the drugs from children ingesting and getting hooked on these prescription drugs.
Further Miami Commissioner Keon Hardeman is on the task force and he noted his District 5 seat is a “hot zone,” “when it comes to overdose deaths and involves cheap Mexican yellow heroin mixed with fentanyl, manly from China and the lacing of the heroin with fentanyl is a killing formula and Hardemen asked if the sellers of the drugs should be charged with “murder?” Hardeman a former defense attorney said. Since the dealers know it can kill he said and law enforcement has been concentrating on dealers in Overtown and a number of them are in jail and was part of a crackdown in the State Attorney’s Office spearheaded by Katherine Fernandez-Rundle who also brought the Opiate Task Force together a few months ago. Further around the state and community “the best heroin,” is known to be in Overtown.” And Hardeman noted when individuals are released from jail it is an easy walk for them to get to Overtown and get these drugs. Since he sees them walking towards Overtown area since he sees the street, he closed.
What about Opiates around the nation?
Around the nation 30,000 Americans died from overdoses and it cuts across all social lines when it comes to the user demographics that reaches as far as Maine where the overdoses became part of the presidential campaigns. And the problem has only grown since years ago when only “5, 000,” related deaths occurred.
And the next Task force meeting is Mar.27, 2017 in the County Commission Chambers in the Stephen P. Clark government Center. And readers should stay tuned as health care and public health officials try to grapple with this “complex,” social problem where addiction is a disease and needs to be treated as such said numerous speakers and County Vice Mayor Russell Beneford is the chair of the Task force.
President Donald J. Trump is signing executive orders at a brisk rate and congressional Republicans are restless when former president Barack H. Obama did such orders and essentially by passed Congress, County Mayor Gimenez drawn into controversy, protests erupt around the nation.
Further Trump’s action to end sanctuary cities by ending federal funding (mostly for social services) is reverberating in South Florida and Mayor Carlos Gimenez is feeling the blow back after he ordered county law enforcement to follow federal guidelines because the $300 million loss of federal funding would have a huge impact on the county budget. However despite protests at County Hall all week Gimenez is not changing his mind and he got a shout out by Trump on tweeter but Miami with such a diverse population and in the public schools teaches English in 59 languages and has 450,000 students and this kind of clampdown is frightening many immigrants without proper documentation and was one of the things Trump pushed during his campaign http://www.miamiherald.com/news/local/community/miami-dade/article128984759.html
President Donald J. Trump is signing executive orders at a brisk rate and congressional Republicans are noting the actions when former president Barack H. Obama did such executive orders and essentially by passed Congress.
Further Trump’s action to end sanctuary cities by ending federal funding is reverberating in South Florida and Miami-Dade County’s Mayor Carlos Gimenez is feeling the blow back after he ordered county law enforcement to follow federal guidelines because the billions lost would have a huge impact (mostly in social service programs) on the county budget. However despite protests at County Hall Friday Gimenez is not changing his mind and he got a shout by Trump on tweeter but Miami with such a diverse population and a public schools that teaches English in 59 languages and a District with 450,000 students and this kind of clampdown is frightening many immigrants without proper documentation and was one of the things Trump pushed during his campaign. And in the Cuban American community one said while they benefited under the old laws. They also thought, “The borders need to be secure.” And keep dangerous people from entering and doing harm.”
And the courts will probable rule on the order that a local ACLU representative Howard Simon says is unconscionable and abridges the “Human Rights of People,” some with proper documentation but Trump is finding out in politics things generally don’t go smoothly and protests at airports have erupted around the nation. Trump also reorganized the NSA and appointed his political strategist Steve Bannon to the national Security Council. However, since the county was appealing the sanctuary status designated by Obamas’ DOJ that also included the seven Muslim nations on the list and President Jimmy Carter banned a Muslim nation once.
What about extreme vetting and a Green Card?
Further, Trump does not appreciate what it takes for an immigrant to get a Green Card, no easy task and while diplomacy is not his strong suit and he says he is just doing what he said he would do on the campaign trail. However, he is moving at a fast pace and the question is how long the public will buy into this tectonic shift in the presidency and on the whole many of his supporters say let’s wait and see and Trump by saying Christians are welcome and only heightens them as targets within Islam.
>>> Press release: Working to Limit Sea Level Rise in South Florida and Protect Public Lands, Ros-Lehtinen Votes to Preserve Important Environmental Rules –“These bills weakening national environmental quality standards undermine the progress our nation has made in cleaning our air and water over the last five decades, and worse yet, limit our important efforts to combat sea level rise here in South Florida.”
(Washington, DC) – U.S. Rep. Ileana Ros-Lehtinen (FL – 27) made the following statement after voting against the following two bills on the Floor of the U.S. House of Representatives this week:
H.J.Res 36: Providing for congressional disapproval under chapter 8 of title 5, United States Code, of the final rule of the Bureau of Land Management relating to “Waste Prevention, Production Subject to Royalties, and Resource Conservation”, which would allow for the continued practice of the unabated flaring of methane, a potent greenhouse gas, on federal lands during oil and gas drilling operations; and
H.J.Res 38: Disapproving the rule submitted by the Department of the Interior known as the Stream Protection Rule, which would weaken water protection standards in watersheds impacted by coal mining. Ros-Lehtinen has consistently voted to protect both of these important environmental rules since they were issued.
Statement by Ros-Lehtinen:
“These bills weakening national environmental quality standards undermine the progress our nation has made in cleaning our air and water over the last five decades, and worse yet, limit our important efforts to combat sea level rise here in South Florida. A growing body of scientific studies continue to demonstrate that local environmental impacts can have harmful and significant regional and global consequences. I will continue to support responsible energy development that produces good jobs here in the U.S. while also protecting our precious environmental resources for current and future generations of Americans.”
Further Trump is going to find there is no magic wand and he has to get legislation done and that process is longer than a business memo, he will also find legislator and chairs of congressional committees weld some incredible political power and may find Trump’s demands need to be modified…
What about 10 mile long Under Line?
U.S. Rep Ileana-Ros Lehtinen, R-Miami on the floor of the U.S House recently talked about the 10 mile linear Park known as the Under Line and the extensive exercise trail will also have public art and it is gaining momentum with millennials and the municipalities it runs through including South Miami and the city of Miami. And the line stretches from Dadeland under metro rail and is model after the Under Line in New Yok City. And is expected to be tourist draw like Wynwood has become where the streets are filled with street art and tourists pose to get selfies in front of the street murals.
America must get a handle on cyber security with it evolving so rapidly the nation and world are many times all defenseless
Fast paced events that are evolving in the world and the issue of cyber terrorism, should rise to the level of the Manhattan Project, or the moon shot with the hack of a Vermont wanted to ‘influence the election’ power company where malware was found suspected to be from Russia and cyber sabotage ( and confirmed last week in a FBI,NSA, CIA released report) noting that the nation did not hack into any voting machines or change outcomes to the number of voters–Russia can be just as destructive as weapons and computer specialists say every “organization has been hacked, they just may not know it yet.” But with the presidential election over. The nation must design a cyber fire wall as we become more and more dependent on computers. And maybe a bounty for hackers if they find a backdoor and Chrysler Motors was the first company to hire hackers and look for vulnerabilities and later had Apple paying $25,000 for bug hunters. For it is clear there are some very determined and smart people out there and it may be time to try the economic incentive of a bounty for hackers who find a backdoor in software and for more go to http://abcnews.go.com/US/russian-hacking-malware-found-vermont-utility-computer/story?id=44479579 http://thehill.com/policy/cybersecurity/223266-report-russian-hackers-infiltrate-us
What about Trump and the press?
The national press “and the dishonest media,” is taking a beating and Trump still has no press pool that follows him around just in case something happens and can be reported on and has been in effect for decades and the WDR has gotten the pool reports. Since George W. Bush. And this disdain the billionaire has for the press should be considered and Steve Bannon said the media, “should shut up and listen,’’ he is quoted saying because the media is the nation’s watchdog. But after the terrible election polling Americans believe the press is slanted and that it tends to favor liberals made worse when Clinton called Trump supporters “the basket of horribles,” because of what some supporters were saying. And for more go: Further every president has carped about the media and the media is the “party of opposition,” on the Trump administration. However the opposition is not always the enemy in a Democracy and should not be treated as an appendage and the press plays a key role to check government oversteps of power. But the Trump team argues “The dishonest media,” never gave Trump a chance in the election and now that he won the media is getting the stiff arm but the Watchdog Report believes there will be blow back to such a policy, Even though most Americans hate the media and the IRS.
what about the press being the “opposition party,” and the alternative news argument and why newspaper’s run corrections to stories and is similar to what the white House is doing in pushing the voter fraud issue that while having multiple voter registration cards is legal what is illegal is if you voted twice.
And the Trump administration went ballistic when a Time pool reporter tweeted out the bust of MLK, Jr., Ph.D been removed but was blocked by a secret service special agent and the tweet caused a firestorm and the reporter had to retract the story. And had Spicer calling the erroneous tweet “shameful,” said the administration will correct any media stories that are wrong, and hopefully he will stop feeding on the media bias and the nation. For the role of the media in today’s new world where false news become acceptable and hyperbole is the coin of the realm it seems for President Trump
And at a press conference Trump went after a CNN reporter after CNN that Russia might have a unverified dossier on his time in Russia some that are salacious and Trump denies the suggestions and essentially feels he cannot be blackmailed by the nation. A nation that plays hardball and along with China will be his first foreign challenges after he chastised China concerning the nation claiming parts of the South China sea including an artificial Island with an air strip and the Middle Kingdom said in response that America had better be prepared for ‘war.’ And for more go to http://en.mercopress.com/2017/01/14/warning-to-trump-beijing-prepared-to-a-large-scale-war-over-the-south-china-islands
Further Trump’s tweets are reverberating around the globe and the China response is an example of what happens when foreign policy is made by the technology and should remind Trump the world is a dangerous and complex challenge.
What about President-Elect Donald Trump?
Trump is still deciding his cabinet, some of whom are having tough confirmation hearings and some of his choices are sending howls in parts of the foreign policy community and with environmentalist. Who are aghast but the billionaire businessman, is picking some unorthodox people and it remains to be seen what transpires during the confirmation hearings in the U.S. Senate. Though the GOP has 52 seats enough to carry a Trump nomination and the nation with this man is in uncharted waters and the Democratic Party is trying to re build after the drubbing in the general election but in fighting is still occurring and the party has to rebuild its bench and here in Florida only one Democrat Sen. Bill Nelson, D-Fla. has a statewide profile and he minority party has some soul searching to do to stay relevant in the world of politics.
What about China?
Trump who had tough words for the People’s Republic of China is going to find the Chinese are no pushover either and the nation deals in hundreds of years as it seeks its rightful place on the global scene. And China is introducing its new fighter with the J-20 stealth fighter After the Middle Kingdom hacked into the Pentagon and stole the plans and for more go to http://www.cnn.com/2016/10/31/asia/china-zhuhai-airshow-j-20/

New J-20 with stealth technology.
And Trump will soon learn every word he speaks has real consequences as the nation digests how this could have happened and one millennial told me Saturday the race was “rigged,” even though all the polls and pundits had the nation going for Clinton. Who just had too many controversies, the Clinton Foundation and then the emails and people wanted some of that too end. And having her husband Bill campaign so much looking old and tired probable did not help and reminded many voters of his own controversial time in office despite being re-elected and popular. And has Democrats reflecting on where the party goes from here and what to do with the old guard that Clinton represented but did no inspire millennials to vote.
>>> Governor Scott Appoints Judge Robert J. Luck to Third District Court of Appeal
>>> Press release: TALLAHASSEE, Fla. – Today, Governor Rick Scott announced the appointment of Judge Robert J. Luck to the Third District Court of Appeal.
Luck, 37, of North Miami Beach, has served as a Circuit Judge for the Eleventh Judicial Circuit since 2013, and previously served as an Assistant United States Attorney and
Received both his bachelor’s and law degrees from the University of Florida. Luck fills the vacancy created by the resignation of Judge Frank A. Shepherd.
>>> Florida Economic Development and Tourism Leaders Fight to Save Florida Jobs
TALLAHASSEE, Fla. – Today, Florida economic development and tourism leaders, small business owners, and concerned Floridians from across the state traveled to Tallahassee to speak or stand in opposition to Legislation in the Florida House that would kill Florida jobs by eliminating Enterprise Florida and VISIT FLORIDA.
WATCH: Bill Talbert, Greater Miami Convention & Visitors Bureau
Further, while the WDR does not know what the precise number might be but after 9/11 when tourism tanked and hit Miami-Dade hard tourist leaders convinced Gov. Jeb Bush that to kick start tourism back in Florida a global tourism campaign and the state rebounded much faster than other states in the nation.
>>> With potential sale of Miami Marlins will taxpayers be “hosed again?” depends on final deal but little goes to taxpayers, potentially on the hook
With the possible sale of Miami Marlins will Miami and county residents could “get hosed again,” said Mayor Carlos Gimenez, to reporter Michael Putney of WPLG in an interview last week and there is actually an opportunity for the owner to walk away with a $1 billion profit for a team with low attendance for a MLB team. The concern is taxpayers may be on the hook since bond interest payments balloons in the last 15 years as the 2.5 billion bonds mature.
>>> A Miami-Dade chair’s Policy Council Meeting was held Thursday and the discussion focused pan transit and how to build a new courthouse and how to finance it, perhaps through a P3 proposal but the new court house is a vexing issue especially if county voters have to approve such a project.
Further, The County commission also waived the process rules for how the commission can appoint members to the Miami Expressway Authority(MDX) and Commission Chair Estephan Bovo appointed Miami- Dade Mayor Carlos Gimenez to the controversial board that sets tolls and is a flash point with the public, who tend to blame commissioners. Further Bovo appointed Vice Chair Audrey Edmonson to the board as well and had Rebecca Sosa suggesting Marasail Gutierrez for the board that oversees a bulk of the freeways in Miami-Dade.
And Commissioner Bruno Barreiro was named to the South Florida Transit Authority that oversees Tri Rail and Barreiro has been a long time member of the authority and it was Barreiro who fought against a one-cent sales tax back in 2002 believing a full cent was necessary to fund the County’s transportation build out and he was proved right because the public id grumbling not enough progress has been made with the current financing. However a previous one cent tax in 1999 failed when the vote was held on an obscure day in July when most voters were out of town and leaders at the time wanted super voters since they believed it would pass more easily but voters rejected the slick, marketing program that even had some money going to the Coconut Grove playhouse but voters revolted and shot it down. After auto magnet Norman Braman pointed out if the commission wanted it passed it should be held on the day of a general Election and years ago the tax passed when placed on a high volume election.
The Pace schools were honored by the county commission last week and the organization teaches STEM courses to women and some 70 percent of women want to take science technology mathematics courses but believe they have to be twice as good as men and Pace excels in robotics done by their women students and for more go to: http://www.pacecenter.org/locations/miami
>>> Further at a Miami-Dade County school board meeting a robotics class demonstrated a robot capable of bouncing a basketball and it was amazing to watch and STEM is moving along at full speed in the schools for women and men.
For the months of January-December 2016, hotel room supply in Greater Miami and the Beaches increased by 4.2% over the previous year. Hotel rooms sold during this same period increased by 1.4% compared to 2015, significantly absorbing the increase in hotel room inventory year on year.In addition to the increase in hotel room inventory during 2016, the destination was impacted by global economies, particularly Brazil – a top international market for Greater Miami; the Miami Beach Convention Center expansion and renovation; Hurricane Matthew; the national elections; Zika; and other factors such as alternative accommodations. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
Fire chief admonished for failing to report game tickets
>>>> M-DC Ethics Commission press release: The Miami-Dade Commission on Ethics and Public Trust today approved a Letter of Instruction as part of a settlement agreement to a complaint (C 16-40) against Hialeah’s Fire Chief for failing to abide by gift disclosure rules. Chief Miguel Anchia accepted a skybox ticket to a December 2015 Miami Dolphins game worth $1,000 – ten times the $100 threshold required for officials to report a gift. Chief Anchia did not report it until he became aware of the ethics investigation in December 2016. The Letter of Instruction reiterates the gift requirements and states that, since the Chief holds a position of leadership, it is important that he learn from this experience to guide his future conduct and set an example for those under his command.
The Ethics Commission determined that a Parks Department employee participating in a non-profit organization’s paid research program would be considered outside employment, but that it does not present a conflict with his County position. Eric Hansen is a manager in the Parks, Recreation and Open Spaces Department, responsible for researching trends and surveying community needs to develop programs to meet those needs. He has been invited to participate in the Interdisciplinary Research Leaders program funded by the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation – the nation’s largest philanthropy focused on health – along with researchers from the University of Miami and Florida International University. Mr. Hansen and the other team members will be paid $25,000 each year of the three-year program and the team would receive an additional $125,000 to conduct research. The COE response to RQO 17-01 concluded that the stipend is considered outside employment and must be reported each year, but also determined that, since the duties of the research program are different from Mr. Hansen’s responsibilities in the Parks Department and he is not associated with the expenditure of any other Foundation grants, there would be no conflict with his county position.
The COE found No Probable Cause to a complaint filed against Miami Parking Authority CEO Art Noriega that accused him of violating the Citizens’ Bill of Rights “Truth in Government” provision for allegedly making a false statement during a public meeting last October regarding the installation of “Pay to Park” signs along NE 4th Court. A resident of the area, Elvis Cruz, charged Noriega with falsely claiming the signs had been approved by the Miami Public Works Department. The investigation determined that Noriega made the statement as a result of an administrative misunderstanding. Since there was no intention to deceive, the complaint (C 16-38) was dismissed.
The proposed “civility pledge” approved by the Ethics Commission last month has earned the support of two County Commissioners for its addition to oaths of office for County elected and appointed officials. The wording proposed by the COE during swearing in would be: “To my colleagues and to all of those I represent and serve, I pledge fairness, integrity and civility, in all actions taken and all communications made by me as a public servant.” COE Executive Director Joseph Centorino also reported that the North Bay Village Council will take up the civility pledge, along with an “Honor Code for Elected and Appointed Town Officials and Town Employees” this month. The Honor Code, proposed by the Ethics Commission in 2015 and later adopted by the County Commission, calls on public servants to report criminal misconduct, place public interest ahead of personal loyalties and cooperate truthfully with investigations regarding government operations.
Also today, it was announced that the Florida Bar has granted 6.5 Continuing Legal Education credits for attorneys who attend the Ethics Commission’s day-long conference, Doing Business in Cuba: Legal, Ethical and Compliance Challenges, on Friday, March 10, 2017, sponsored jointly with the Barry University School of Business. The event, for which nearly 100 people have already registered, will feature government, legal and academic experts discussing the changing relationship between the U.S. and the island nation and the ethical issues arising in the new business climate. Some panelists and speakers include Miami Beach Mayor Philip Levine, Coral Gables Mayor Jim Cason, Doral Mayor J. C. Bermudez, Miami International Airport Director Emilio Gonzalez, current COE Commissioners Nelson Bellido and Marcia Narine Weldon, along with noted attorneys Anna Maria Hernandez, Richard Montes de Oca, Pedro Freyre, Peter Quinter, Yosbel Ibarra, Augusto Maxwell, Rebekah Poston and others. From academic circles, scheduled are FIU Law School Dean Alexander Acosta, Assistant St. Thomas University Professor, Sister Ondina Cortes, Dr. Jose Azel from the University of Miami and Dr. Nichole Castater and Dr. Sean Foreman of Barry University. The keynote speaker will be John Kavulich, President of the U.S. – Cuba Trade and Economic Council, Inc., in New York City and editor of Economic Eye on Cuba. The cost for the day-long event, which includes breakfast, lunch and all meeting materials, is $50 per person. Organizations that purchase at least 20 registrations ($1,000) will be acknowledged as contributing co-sponsors. Registration information and a complete program can be found at ethics.miamidade.gov or by calling 305-579-2594.
The Ethics Commission received a lengthy investigative report from COE staff regarding policies established by Miami International Airport’s Office of Protocol and International Affairs for special escorts provided to VIPs including local elected officials. A public hearing will be held on its recommendations during the next COE meeting, Wednesday, March 8, 2017, beginning at 10 a.m. The Ethics Commission was created in 1996 as an independent agency with advisory and quasi-judicial powers. It is composed of five members, serving staggered terms of four years each. Through a program of education, outreach and enforcement, the Commission seeks to empower the community and bolster public trust.
>>> Chair Feldman hosts celebrating friends and Family at Lotus House
February 11, 2017
WHO: School Board Chair Dr. Lawrence Feldman, Miami-Dade County Commissioner Rebeca Sosa, City of Miami Mayor Tomas Regalado, Maru and Friends, Walgreens, District 9 staff, staff and residents from Lotus House, Miami-Dade Schools Police Explorers, and selected community members
WHAT: Celebrating Friends and Family
WHEN: Tuesday, February 14, 2017
5 – 7 p.m.
WHERE: Lotus House
1805 N.W. 1st Court
Miami, FL 33136
WHY: Dr. Feldman and his staff will join Lotus House residents and staff in celebrating February 14 with a Carnival and other activities for residents at Lotus House. Maru and Friends, along with Walgreens, will be on hand to make this a special day. Lotus House is an organization dedicated to ending child and family homelessness and improving the lives of women and children through housing, education and health resources. CONTACT: District9@dadeschools.net
>>> JHS CEO Migoya awarded business community’s highest honor’ Sand in my Shoe Award, at sold-out Greater Miami Chamber gala honoring the banker tuned hospital administrator
Carlos Migoya the President and CEO of Jackson Health System was honored with a sold out event at the Greater Miami Chamber of Commerce where he was honored with the Chamber’s highest honor “The Sand In My shoes award,’ for turning around the beleaguered Jackson System that was hemorrhaging millions in losses including in 2004 losing $84 million and making audit adjustments back to 1998. And for more on Migoya and the turnaround of JHS go to http://www.miamiherald.com/news/business/article131134874.html
>>> Will Comcast offer seniors a “discount,” commissioner Suarez asks CEO to look into it?
The CEO of Comcast is about to get a letter asking the company to enhance the availability of elders to get a “Senior discount,” and is part of the contract Miami signed with Comcast as the cable company absorbed local cable operators and was part of the community benefits Comcast had to agree to and is why Comcast broadcasts commission meetings for Miami for free and years ago it was deceased commissioner Arthur Teele,Jr., that put the screw to the cable companies as they tried to consolidate the industry and at the time got some decent concessions from the company to the benefit of the residents and Commissioner Francis Suarez sponsored the resolution.
>>> Will Beach support levying new sales tax, to expand homeless services, Commissioner Grieco believes after Zika hotels are burdened enough no new sale tax likely?
While the Miami-Dade County Homeless Trust wants Miami Beach to approve and support legislation in the capital to add a sales tax along with Surfside, two municipalities exempted when the trust was created and Beach hotels objected to the tax that has Commissioner Michael Grieco saying after the Zika scare that hotels cannot take any more burden with a new sales tax and while Grieco is running for mayor this could be a political position for Grieco. Further Trust Chair Ron Book has legislation in the works in Tallahassee but he needs the municipalities approval for the bill to forward and the expansion of the tax has been a long time goal, especially with the cutbacks in federal funding and has Camillus House having to stop a program that provided meals and showers and the organization in 2015 served 547,000 meals, but funding from the Trust is limited and why the expansion of the sales tax area is so critical and the city does fund some homeless programs on the streets of the tourist hot spot. And for more on Camillus go to:
>>> Press release: Over 100 Formerly Homeless Graduated at Marlins ParkMiami Rescue Mission | Broward Outreach Centers celebrated transformed and renewed lives
February 4, 2017 (Miami, Hollywood, Pompano Beach, FL) – Lives were changed as 144 formerly homeless men and women graduated from the Miami Rescue Mission (MRM) | Broward Outreach Centers (BOC) in a cap and gown ceremony marking a milestone in what has become a miraculous redemption for formerly homeless individuals who have worked successfully to change their lives from homelessness and dependency to having the tools to be in a home and live independently.
The theme “Fight, Faith & Finish” led true as each proved they have what it takes to turn their lives around. These brave men and women have been through truly challenging experiences and despite this, have come out on top—renewed and ready to take on the world. Marlins Park served as a festive backdrop to a day of moving testimonies, celebration of achievement, and words of encouragement for what lies ahead.
The ceremony opened in prayer by Metro Life Church’s Pastor Steve Alessi, congratulating each for their walk in faith and belief in fighting for themselves, God and their families. Following Pastor Alessi were several testimonies from formerly homeless graduates who chronicled different struggles—drug and alcohol abuse, domestic violence, economic strife, lack of education and family support—each fighting to put their lives back on track with the help of MRM, a non-profit organization aimed at providing supportive services to over 1,300 individuals daily through food, shelter, clothing, education, job training, spiritual counseling, health services, youth programs, housing and long-term rehabilitation. Entertainment was provided by Mas Que Vendors Dancers, a ministry composed of men of all ages who worship and praise the Lord through sacred hip-hop and mime, sharing their stories through dance in their rendition of “It’s Working for Me”. >>> Miami Center Director, Tony Villasuso, President and CEO, Reverend Ron Brummitt, and VP of Advancement, Marilyn Brummitt, presented the Marlins with a commemorative plaque for their continual support and involvement in the community. The Marlins, through the Marlins Ayundan and their “Homerun Team”, have been faithful volunteers, donors and supporters of the work being done by MRM in bringing hope to the homeless and hungry of South Florida. MRM Education Center Supervisor, Kenneth Palonsky, gave an engaging, inspirational speech evoking pride for the graduates who he reminded their journey wasn’t over and challenges lay ahead, stating “You have fought a good fight, finished the race and now will continue with faith.”
Community Events & PUBLIC SERVICE
>>>> Now open and the Warehouse has a new exhibit and check it out at http://www.margulieswarehouse.com/#/home
>>> And the Margulies Warehouse will be opening the season in weeks and to see what art is on display and when it plans to close the season for this community treasure go to http://www.margulieswarehouse.com/#/home
>> Press release: The Patricia and Phillip Frost Museum of Science and Miami Science Barge join together to bring the expression of art to a scientific experiment. Visitors will have the opportunity to create artworks on a drift card that will be deployed into the ocean. These drift cards will help scientists gain understanding of how the ocean currents distribute debris through the Biscayne Bay. Admission is free. Miami Science Barge
1075 Biscayne Boulevard, Miami 305-434-9560www.dwntwnartdays.com

>>> The Watchdog Report is Celebrating 17 years of weekly publishing since May 5th 2000 and when I started back then I never thought I would be doing this so
http://articles.orlandosentinel.com/2003-01-20/news/0301190045_1_ricker-miami-watchdog. And while I have taken a licking over the years including some medical issues I have kept at the job thanks to my supporters who I thank so very much over the many years. And the community’s public institutions are better when it comes to them knowing what the other is doing and why I have tried to be an information electrolyte for these giant institution’s leaders and things and here is a national story done on why I started to watch government back in 2000 http://articles.orlandosentinel.com/2003-01-20/news/0301190045_1_ricker-miami-watchdog and to all the people along the way that have helped me I thank you from the bottom of my heart.
>>> The Watchdog Report publisher would like to thank the John S. and James L. Knight Foundation www.knightfoundation.org for funding by the Knight Foundation with technical support from the Knight Center www.knightfoundation.org to maintain my webpage. The Watchdog Report webpage is free, has no pops-up and is just the news in a mainstream reporting manner.
>>>> The Watchdog Report publisher for 16 years now, has reported back weekly on how your billions of public dollars in local government are being spent. And how to help support me providing this information is at the end of the WDR. And I hope you will consider supporting keeping an independent news service out in our community, where what is going on with all our government entities is of critical benefit for both the public institutions but voters as well l. Thank You.
And to my Supporters I pledge to keep ‘going when you cannot.’ And we have about $9 billion in GOB funds being spent through a variety of public institutions and that is no small number and in the past I have broken the story on Cuban refugees coming in droves and also the Oriental fruit fly quarantine and its huge economic impact to name just a few of the more recent stories in past WDR’s.And I also keep watch for the all-important tourism industry and with the Zika Virus people are starting to understand how vital these tourists are for a host of amenities like culture and the arts, Jackson health System and transportation dollars all entities that benefit from tourism sales tax dollars.
>>> And while the Watchdog Report has reached 16 years of using my own money to survive in the costlier Miami community. And while I have cut expenses I need my readers help. In this fast changing world and with Pay Pal now you can easily use a credit card to contribute and I hope you will consider helping keeping someone out in the field. And I have not wanted to be a lobbyist but rather a lobbyist for everyone and is why I use the tag line ‘I go when you cannot’. But things were made worse after spending 18 days in the hospital with a badly infected finger. And is why I am behind sending my traditional thank you letter to any supporters contributing and hop to catch up in the near future. And I thank these people from the bottom of my heart for the past financial help.
>>> And one of my sponsors who hates reading the above financial pleas suggested to me. I just ask any reader, once a year who thinks this community resource is valuable to contribute five or possible ten dollars via my Pay Pal account for the fiscal issues sometimes keeps me from going to a meeting sometimes, and the stress also affects my health and only with my readers support can “I go when you cannot,” thank you and hope you will help so the WDR can celebrate 17 years on May 5th.
>>> And to support the WDR go to my Pay Pal account at www.watchdogreport.net
>>>And you can now easily support the Watchdog Report by going to my new PayPal Button account, you know you want to do it at www.watchdogreport.net for as media resources contract residents still need to know that someone is also watching out for their interests. Because government watched is a better governing experience for voters and their local quality of life?
However, it is no easy task to do the WDR weekly. And years ago the county Ethics Commission did a report that suggested over the past decade some $50 million had been spent fighting waste fraud abuse and public corruption and having the press at public meetings (some very obscure) changes the tone of the meeting (and is why you don’t speed past a state trooper, if you’re smart) Further, I have tried to be an information electrolyte available to all free between these large public institutions when I first started back in 1997. And many public meetings back then were not being recorded except by me and that is no longer the case.
For an accurate public record is key and diminishes future legal action. For you either have an accurate public record or you don’t. And I hope you will consider helping me in this effort to keep the community informed and saving taxpayer monies in the process. And I thank my supporters over the last 17 years. And to read a national story and profile of the WDR publisher in the early years and background back in 2003 go to: http://articles.sun-sentinel.com/2003-01-20/news/0301190341_1_ricker-school-board-president-miami-s-first-cuban-american
Publisher’s Statement on the mission of the Watchdog Report and the special people and organizations that make it possible: Government Subscribers/Corporate Subscribers/Sustaining Sponsors/Supporting Sponsors
>>> Publisher’s Statement on the mission of the Watchdog Report and the special people and organizations that make it possible: Government Subscribers/Corporate Subscribers/Sustaining Sponsors/Supporting Sponsors the Watchdog Report covers a few of the meetings attended weekly. It remains my belief that an informed public will make better decisions. Therefore, I go to meetings, make the presence of an informed citizen known, and bring the information to you. The Watchdog Report is in the fourth year of publication and it has been an honor to be able to send this information to you. It is sent to readers in Miami-Dade, Florida, the U.S. and the world. The Watchdog Report is sent to thousands free and while readers have been prodded to subscribe the results have been mixed. Over 250 reports and Extras have been sent since May 5, 2000 and over one million words have been written on our community’s governments and events. The report is an original work based on information gathered at public meetings, interviews and from documents in the public domain. I welcome letters via e-mail. Letters may be edited for length or clarity and must refer to material published in the Watchdog Report. Please see address and contact information. Please send any additions and corrections by e-mail, fax or snail mail. All corrections will be published in the next Watchdog Report. If you or your organization would like to publish the contents of this newsletter, please contact me. Please send your request to watchdogreport1@earthlink.net
Daniel A. Ricker
Publisher & Editor
Watchdog Report
Est. 05.05.00
Copyright © of original material, 2016, Daniel A. Ricker