Williamson Cadillac expansion gets community council okay

Zoning changes that will permit Williamson Cadillac to expand into an adjacent twostory building on SW 100th Street for car repair and vehicle storage were approved at a public hearing in Nov. 3.

Community Council 12 Zoning Board had deferred action on the application on Sept. 1 after hearing residents protest that activity in the remodeled building would create increased traffic in nearby neighborhoods.

During the intervening weeks, dealership owner George Williamson and his engineers met twice with residents of Continental Park HOAand Dadeland Cove to discuss ways to alleviate potential traffic problems, leading to a dozen conditions for approval.

Those now include:
• Submission of a site plan for approval by the Department of Regulatory and Economic Resources for the location of structure or structures, exits and entrances, drainage, walls, fences, landscaping, etc., substantially in accord with an already-submitted plan, including established uses.

• Signage will be limited to the automotive repair and storage uses with no vehicles displayed.

• Landscaping along the east and west interior sides be installed prior to obtaining a Certificate of Use.

• Security lighting shall only be permitted between the west wall of the existing building and any outside lighting be oriented away from the residences to the west to prevent the spillage of light on residences.

• Sound proofing shall be installed along the ground floor and the ground floor walls that abut the residential properties to the west; air compressors for automotive repair be comprised of a radial (silenced) design.

• Operation hours for repairs limited to Monday-Saturday only, 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. (open for pickup until 8 p.m.); no service or repairs performed outside of those hours.

• Use of outdoor speakers prohibited. Williamson must also provide notice and meet on a quarterly basis with members of the Kendall Trace, Continental Park, Dadeland Cove, and Groover Villas homeowner associations” until traffic calming devices are installed, as recommended by a traffic study. The restrictions apply unless a time extension is granted before Dec. 4.

The application was granted by a 4-0 vote of the council, approved by chair Jose I. Valdes, Eliot N. Zack, Alberto Santana and Javier Gonzalez-Abreu. Members Peggy Brodeur and Angela Vazquez were absent when the vote was taken. On Sept. 3, Zack, Brodeur, Valdes, Santana and Gonzalez-Abreu voted 5-0 to defer the application, asking Williamson to provide a traffic study and confer with residents to eliminate their objections.

Because the approved restrictions are categorized as special exceptions and non-use variances, the council action is final and the appeals, if any, would take place through legal action, a zoning official noted.

Located at 7700 SW 100 St., the property is directly across from the Dadeland Cove townhome community on the north side of the Williamson showroom building. The 80- by 200-foot, two-story warehouse, formerly operated as A-1 Fargo moving and storage company, is located on a 1.44-acre site.

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