Dancing dragons, Shin Jiang Dance from Northwestern China, Chi Pao Fashion Runway Show, and an illustrious visit from 11 Tibetan Monks of the Drepung Loseling Monastery in Southern India are just some of the recent community events hosted by Zen Village in Coconut Grove, 3570 Main Hwy.
“The year is off to an auspicious beginning,” said Zen Village founder and executive director Master Chufei Tsai. “We are so grateful to the community for being present at the Chinese Lunar New Year celebration and the sacred Sand Mandala painting ceremony during the Monks visit.”
Founded in 2005 as a sanctuary for under served populations and as a peaceful resting place for high achievers, Zen Village has been a refuge and healing space for more than 8,000 members since its inception.
The spirit of this year’s endeavors at Zen Village (and partner not-forprofit organizations, Heart for Humanity and Zab Sang Institute) are based on the concept of “Ashokbya.” Ashokbya is a Sanskrit word suggesting an unshakable mindful consciousness in life towards wisdom, peace, love and prosperity.
“It is an expression of life in connection to the divine,” said Master Tsai. “We create beauty and meaning and art from everyday life with an attentive unwavering mindfulness to do the right thing. This way we bring about peace and prosperity in our own lives and that of our community.”
The Ashokbya spirit continues with the Grassroots Festival in Historic Virginia Key, Feb. 21-24. Zen Village will host The Healing Arts and Sustainability Fair at the festival.
Over 10,000 art and music lovers — many from upstate New York — are expected to head south for four days of classic independent music and international performance art through Yoga, Martial Arts, Meditation, Dance, Tea Ceremony, and a range of activities for youth of all ages.
Inner Circle, Donna the Buffalo, Rusted Root and Spam All Stars are just a few of the bands headlining the music festival.
“We are creating art from expression through the beauty of presentation,” said Master Tsai. “This is Zen Living and Ashokbya in action.”
Volunteer driven, Zen Village also offers an extensive catalog of courses designed not only to provide hands-on training in a range of disciplines for community leaders, but to assist youth as well in the profound challenges they face, and to bring inspiration and relief to underserved populations.
Zen Village is a 501(c)(3) not-forprofit cross cultural, inter-faith organization, Buddhist temple and sanctuary that promotes eco-living, sustainability, and holistic wellness.
To find out more information about Zen Village or the Healing Arts and Sustainability Fair at the Grassroots Festival Feb. 21-24 call 305-567- 0165, send email to office@zenvillage.org, or visit the website at www.zenvillage.org.