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Today, Jabari, a 16-year-old, 423 pound, male lion, was immobilized and transported to Zoo Miami’s Animal Hospital to receive an annual physical exam that is part of a carefully managed preventative medicine program.

The exam included the collection of blood and urine, radiographs, an ultrasound, dental cleaning and routine eye and ear exams.  He also had a minor manicure by having his claws trimmed and cleaned.  In addition, he received vaccinations for rabies, canine distemper and feline distemper.

Other than some small skin issues that were biopsied in an abundance of caution, Jabari appears to be in good health and has since returned to his habitat where he is recovering well and expected to be back out in public view by this weekend.

These routine examinations play a critical role in the Animal Health Team being able to closely monitor the animals that live at Zoo Miami and diagnose any potential problems before they become serious.  Because wild animals will instinctively disguise symptoms of being ill to avoid predation or other types of aggression, by the time they do display those symptoms, the disease is likely to be significantly advanced and much more difficult to treat.

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