5 Things You May Be Missing If You Do Not Use Video Marketing For Your Business

By: Bonnie Bruderer, Founder of BingeNetworks.tv


In today’s marketplace, content is king and you may be leaving a lot on the table if you are not using video marketing in your advertising strategy.

Here are 5 important things you should know about video marketing:

  • Video accounts for more than half of the internet traffic today. If you are not using video in your marketing, you could be missing out on half the business opportunities.


  • Videos are proven to increase the conversion rate of a web page or a landing page by a whopping 80%.


  • Videos instantly capture a visitor’s attention. The human brain gets engaged the moment we see faces and some movement — and both the elements are definitely there in a video. Combine it with a good storyline or value, and you have a hit!


  • Videos can answer all of the questions buyers may have about your business. Online shoppers usually rethink their purchase decisions over product or service concerns. Some of them aren’t able to picturize themselves using the product/service, while the others simply don’t know what to do with it and had landed on your web page due to an advertisement.


  • The most effective marketing or promotion technique to date is word-of-mouth. People trust people more than they trust ads from businesses. If they are recommended a product from a friend or family member, they are more likely to try it out. Videos are the easiest form of media to share.


To learn more about how to use video marketing for your business, contact our team of experts at BINGE Networks for a 30-Minute consultation. Enroll at: www.bingechannels.com/book

Click here to view an example of how a local business uses video marketing to promote their gym: www.bingenetworks.tv/channel/12139


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