Arts and Culture: GOOD THINGS

Arts & Culture: GOOD THINGS
Arts & Culture: GOOD THINGS
Sonia Melamed, Chair of Communications Committee Arts & Culture Council

Dear friends, As we spring forward to 2014, it’s fitting that we kick off the first Arts and Culture edition during this season for growth. From us to you, we’re excited to share Good Things from each of our regular contributors.

Returning for a second time is Seth Bramson, Miami History book author and Adjunct Professor, with his A Very Special Moment In Time series, Seth gives us a historical peak into the history of gaming in South Florida- beginning with an exploration into Miami’s long history of gambling and casinos. Stay tuned for part II in our next A&C edition, as we “delve further into the histories of the five casinos” in Miami and Miami Beach.

Have you ever driven by Collins Park and asked yourself what that strange concrete wall was? David Rifkind, Associate Professor of the FIU College of Architecture + The Arts, answers that question and more in his Architectural Ramblings. David explores, among other things, the “wonderful visual relationship” between that cool, concrete cylinder, the Bass Museum and the surrounding area around Collins Park.

And finally, in Mixing It Up, I share my experience with the enigmatic Ellie Schneiderman, founder of ArtCenter/South Florida. I learned how by creating an affordable and communal space for artists, Ellie spurred on a movement that revitalized the Beach in a most profound way. I hope to help others better understand and appreciate how her unique vision transformed Lincoln Road as we know it today.

Arts & Culture: GOOD THINGS
Ellie Schneiderman Founder and Director during early days of SFAC, later renamed ArtCenter/South Florida

I would like to thank Dana Deitch for her help as well as Sean Gelb for connecting me with the wonderful Ellie Schneiderman. A warm thanks to Manuel Mazzanti for his beautifully vivid photography and last but not least, a special thanks to Miami Beach pop artist and local portrait cartoonist Amy Cinnamon.

Until next time… may all Good Things continue to flow up for you.

Sonia M. Sonia Melamed is the Chair of the Communications Committee, Arts & Culture Council. If you are interested in submitting an article, please send it to Sonia at

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