Spring is in the air but Summer is right around the corner. The great weather we’ve been enjoying won’t last forever but there are still plenty of ways to luxuriate in the summer heat.
We asked Miami Beach locals what GOOD THINGS they look forward to each summer and this is what they had to say:
1. “Ocean water that you can soak in”
2. “Afternoon thunderstorms”
3. “Mango season”
4. “Less traffic and no school buses.”
5. “Miami Spice”
6. “Perfect paddle board weather”
7. “…stay ‘til
8 pm at sand bar/beach” 8. “summer nights that wrap around you like a cozy sweater”
9. “less tourists…”
10. “giving away the avocadoes that fall from our tree (our neighbors love it).”

Hello friends,
We have GOOD THINGS here too. Like Lee Schrager’s new book, Fried & True — a perfect complement to summer cook-outs. Another South Beach visionary, Romero Britto, who is showing no signs of slowing down rounds out the other half of our amazing Art Confab double feature. As always, David Rifkind brings a high quality perspective to his Architectural Ramblings. For this issue, he writes about the redesign of Lincoln Road in 1960 by the late, great Morris Lapidus. Last but never least, Seth Bramson returns with Part II in his A Special Moment in Time: The Bathing Casinos. I want to thank everyone who contributed to this issue with a special thanks to our friends Manuel Mazzanti, professional photographer and local popartist Amy Cinnamon.
Until we meet again!
Fear less, hope more; Eat less, chew more, Whine less, breathe more; Talk less, say more,… and all good things will be yours.
– Sonia M