Barry University’s Department of Fine Arts presents two exhibitions at the Andy Gato Gallery through April 16

Dos Mundos
Maria Font's "Dos Mundos"
Dos Mundos
Maria Font’s “Dos Mundos”

The inner gallery titled “From Sight to Memory, Revisited” features ceramic sculpture by artist Angi Curreri and charcoal drawings by artist Rick Yasko. The outer gallery is titled “Imprinted” featuring photographs, installations, and sculpture by artist Marina Font.


Angi Curreri, professor of art, is exhibiting intimate ceramic shrines inspired by her travels, intended to provide the viewer with a quiet moment of observation and reflection. Curreri’s husband, Rick Yasko, is showing dynamic charcoal drawings that at first appear to be still life compositions, but are actually creations from his imagination referencing both his lifetime of drawing through observation and the decade he spent designing as a landscape architect. The artists create their work in studios at home in Ft. Lauderdale and have been exhibiting throughout the U.S. together during 28 years of marriage.

Marina Font, a Barry University alumna, presents photographs of objects that evoke a particular place or personal history and explore ideas about identity (gender, territory, and language) from her perspective as an immigrant woman. Font, born in Argentina, studied photography at Speos Ecole de la Photographie in Paris prior to earning her MFAin Photography at Barry in 2009. Since earning her MFA, she has exhibited extensively at galleries and museums throughout Florida. She recently had a solo exhibition at the consulate of Argentina in New York and is concurrently exhibiting “Marina Font: Dark Continents” at Dina Mitrani Gallery in Miami.

The Andy Gato Gallery is located on the second floor of Thompson Hall at Barry University, 11300 NE Second Ave., Miami Shores, FL 33161.

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