Benefits & Advantages of Acupuncture



There are 12 main meridians or channels of energy throughout the body and at least 400 different acupuncture points.  When there is a disharmony in the body, there’s either an excess or deficiency of energy (or Qi) in the one or some of the meridians and/or related organ systems.  The needles are used to assist in having a smooth flow through the meridians of what is called Qi in Chinese Medicine.  Any disharmony or dis-ease is a blockage or a deficiency, an imbalance in the meridians.

One analogy that can be used is like clearing the pipes.  If we have clogged pipes in our homes and water isn’t able to move smoothly through them, we know this creates problems.  Optimal health is when Qi is flowing freely.  Ultimately, the needles are stimulating the neurotransmitters and hormones, reminding the body how to heal itself, which can get out of whack as we live life and encounter internal, environmental and dietary factors.   When harmony in the body is reestablished through acupuncture, the body can then function properly and heal itself.  The body just needs a boost sometimes.

In Chinese Medicine, 2 of the main diagnostic tools are the pulse and the tongue.  There are at least 12 positions in the wrist pulse that are felt in order to get a feeling of the inner landscape of the patient’s body.   For example, the quality of sleep and digestion can be felt through the pulse, whether the body is in pain or stressed, and so much more.  This diagnosis is based on the strength, depth and quality of the pulse.

The tongue gives a landscape of how each organ system is functioning.  For example, the tip of the tongue corresponds to the Heart channel.  If the tip is red, one may not be sleeping well, or be anxious and over-thinking.  If the sides are red, the Liver channel may be stressed, there may be anger issues and some stagnation or disharmonies in the Liver channel.

Through the combination of the pulse and the tongue, an individual diagnosis for each patient can then be treated, based on their particular constitution and any disharmonies and imbalances. Many people believe acupuncture is only helpful for pain relief, but it treats many symptoms.


The following are some common ailments that acupuncture can treat: 

  • Arthritis
  • Headaches/Migraines
  • Common Cold/Flu
  • Allergies
  • Insomnia
  • Asthma
  • Infertility
  • CFS/Fibromyalgia
  • Stress/Anxiety/Depression
  • Diarrhea/Constipation
  • Multiple Sclerosis
  • PMS
  • Hypertension
  • Weight Loss
  • Smoking Cessation
  • Health Maintenance

… and MORE!

With acupuncture, it’s not just the symptoms that are treated, but getting to the root of the problem and clearing the disharmonies from there.

Acupuncture is also not just about treating when sickness arises, but includes treating for prevention and wellness.  Treating any Qi imbalances before symptoms arise is the best way to treat, therefore regular acupuncture treatments are a great addition to a healthy lifestyle to prevent issues in the future.  In modern society, it’s been learned that we go to a practitioner once we get sick, then go get it fixed.  At this point, there can be so many things going on internally.  But if we treat as the ancients also did in order to keep the energy balanced and smooth while healthy, the body stays tuned up.  We tune up our cars, why wouldn’t we tune up our bodies?

Another wonderful thing about acupuncture is that it has good side effects.  For example, a patient may come in for pain symptoms and come back for their next treatment not only with less pain, but say they also noticed that they felt relaxed for days, slept better, and their digestion improved.

There are these good benefits and side effects because the whole body is being treated. It’s a true holistic system physically, mentally & spiritually, and because of this, multiple symptoms can be treated. While the main complaint is always what is treated and focused on, the acupuncture points have multiple benefits.

Acupuncture also benefits the brain. Brain benefits include:

  • Helps the brain release neuropeptides
  • Helps release the brain’s natural painkillers & blocks the ‘gates’ to pain messengers to combat pain
  • Improves blood flow throughout the body
  • Calms anxiety
  • Boosts the mood
  • Soothes the brain’s response to stress

The face can also be treated with facial rejuvenation or cosmetic acupuncture.  Facial rejuvenation acupuncture can:

  • Eliminate fine lines & diminish larger wrinkles
  • Reduce double chin & drooping eyelids
  • Improve collagen production & muscle tone
  • Tighten pores
  • Brighten eyes
  • Improve acne
  • Promote blood & lymph circulation

… and positive side effects, because the meridians that run to face run throughout the whole body!

One more thing to address is needle fear!  It’s probably the #1 objection to acupuncture treatment.  Acupuncture needles are not like the ones many are accustomed to seeing at the doctor’s office or while giving blood.  Acupuncture needles are hair-thin.  Often, patients don’t even feel the needles going in.  If they do, it just feels like a small pinch.  Once the needles are in, most patients go into a deeply relaxed state, and often enjoy a nap.

The benefits of acupuncture are many!  To your health!


For more information or to book an appointment contact, Sandy Root at 

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