Biscayne Elementary Community School was the recipient of the Miami Beach Chamber Education Foundation Links Project grant. The funds provided by this grant were used to purchase new headphones for the school’s two main computer labs. Just as paper and pencil have always been top on the list of required school supply, headphones today are an essential tool for all students. Unfortunately, many of the schools’ students come from low socialeconomic backgrounds and do not have the means to purchase the necessary school supply.
The award of this grant made it possible for the school to purchase these for our computer labs.
With the recent emphasis on digital learning, students are on the computers more and more. This year, students in 5th Grade are preparing to take the computer-based Florida Standards Assessments in April. They visit the computer lab several times a week to complete assignments, take assessments, and practice skills necessary to succeed. In the following years grade 4 and grade 3 students will be required to do the same. The use of headphones not only help students listen clearly to instruction and video presentations, but it allows them to stay focused on the task required of them.
The new headphones play a vital role in implementing several computer-based programs at the school. i-Ready, Reflex Math, IXL, MyOnReader, Discovery Education and GIZMOs are just a few of the programs that require students to have access to headphones.
Students before, during, and afterschool visit the computer labs for reinforcement of the state standards in reading, math, and science. Students of all ages at Biscayne Community School benefited from this grant. The headphones are used for the youngest students in the Head-start Program (as young as three years old) to the elder students from Seniors on the Net.
For information on the Links Project, visit www.miamibeachchamber.com.
The links Project is part of the Chamber Education Foundation and grants teachers with micro grants