Drs. Agatston and Woolger pair for unmatched healthcare expertise and luxury.

Dr. Arthur Agatston and Dr. Judi Woolger
Dr. Arthur Agatston and Dr. Judi Woolger

In a world of where shopping, banking, and communicating all occur on your phone,  does anyone really care if they have a meaningful and in-depth visit with their doctor?  You might be surprised.  After all, it’s only your health and wellbeing.   

Dr. Judi Woolger is delivering exactly these types of visits whether they be in the office, via FaceTime, or in a conversation on the telephone.  How wonderful it is to have a relationship doctor who takes time to know her patients well?  Your chronic issues, your health goals, the medications you’re prescribed.  Office visits scheduled at your convenience.  No wait time.  Walk-ins welcomed.  It’s available and it can be found at The Agatston Center.

Dr. Judi Woolger, a board-certified internist joined The Agatston Center as the Chief Medical Officer this past August, after spending 28 years at the University of Miami/Jackson campus.  “While I loved the teaching and research aspects of my previous position, I felt a growing frustration with having only 20 minutes for each patient”,  Woolger explains. “There just wasn’t enough time to learn someone’s story and delve into their issues.” 

That’s when Dr. Arthur Agatston came with an opportunity she couldn’t refuse.  Agatston, author and creator of The South Beach Diet as well as the

Agatston  Score for predicting heart disease, has been in the news in Miami for years.   He has led the cardiology world with his creation of the calcium score, which detects atherosclerotic plaque long before it becomes a danger for a heart attack.  And that test has recently been added to the national guidelines for cardiac prevention and testing.   And there is no slowing him down.  With his energized focus on diet and prevention of diabetes, he is leading the way again.  Recognizing the expertise and talent of Dr. Woolger over the last decade, Agatston asked her to bring her own style and wholistic touch to the practice.  With her interest in prevention and nutrition (she will complete her Master’s degree in nutrition this winter), the pairing is perfect.

Woolger thinks The Agatston Center is a unique offering:  “We have a fabulous and diverse combination of doctors in our group.  We each have a passion for prevention and deeply believe in personalized attention for each patient.  It’s a great group of providers who understand how to serve and treat patients.  We care about each one of our patients as individuals and not as a practice.” 

In addition to providing world class medical care, Woolger believes her group adds value to patients’ lives even when they’re not sick.  She mentions The Agatston Center’s 3D body composition machine.  Members can track even the smallest response to diet and exercise plans.  “Most of the diagnostics are done within our office,” Woolger explains, “we provide treadmill stress tests, pulmonary tests, and bone density screenings.   Making the health care experience a pleasant one isn’t hard if you just take the time.”  The practice also offers a cancer screening program and has nutritionists on site who also work via telemedicine.

Woolger, who loves the concierge style setting of  The Agatston Center, is also loving the ability to flex her creative muscles in developing other business ideas.   The group offers programs for corporate wellness, direct primary care, and telemedicine visits for their patients who want to see experts from all over the country.   

“I love this new practice model.  We are keeping the valuable aspects of connecting with people on a personal level, while simultaneously moving into the future with apps that connect us to patients electronically and in real-time.  It’s really a blend of old fashioned medical care with cutting edge tools for prevention and optimal health.  We’re at the forefront of bringing back the lost art of the house call—but with 21st Century tools.”

The Agatston Center is located at 1691 Michigan Avenue, Suite 500, Miami Beach, FL 33139.  Their number is 305-538-3828.   www.agatstoncenter.com

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