Miami Beach Mayor Developer Dan, LEAVE NORTH BEACH ALONE!

Enough is enough; Grant Miller talks about what Developer Dan has done to sabotage Miami Beach, and soon North Beach…

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  1. that is true. developers worked for their own personnel profits, zero for the public, specially black communities.
    Houses low income people could buy fix it live with their families for a low rate, these investors invaded them with cash break these houses, build luxury chateaux(called condo) poor people can not afford buying them, neither renting them. We need our space.
    NB. too many tolls on the street, and cameras.

  2. Miami Beach has also taken a part of that section for composting. A portion of what makes up composting material is food material (vegetables, fruits, egg shells, etc.) I live 5 blocks away from this site and do not want this area of the beach infested with vermin and roaches. Why doesn’t the mayor build a compost area next to his house?

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