Pro-Football Hall of Fame Quarterback Dan Marino to Host The Dan Marino Foundation WalkAbout Autism

Pro-Football Hall of Fame Autism

 Pro-Football Hall of Fame The Dan Marino Foundation has teamed up once again with local South Florida autism agencies to celebrate the annual Dan Marino Foundation WalkAbout Autism. This exciting and unique event will take place on Saturday, January 26th, 2013 from 9 am to 1 pm at Sun Life Stadium, home of the Miami Dolphins. Proceeds raised from this effort will benefit the Autism Societies of Miami-Dade and Broward Counties, UM-NSU CARD (Center for Autism & Related Disabilities) and the Dan Marino Foundation.

Driven by individuals with autism, their families and friends, this historic fundraising effort generates awareness and brings the local autism community together to raise much needed funds for programs benefiting children and young adults living with autism. All proceeds raised by this event stay in our local community and participating South Florida schools will receive 25% of the money raised by their teams to support special needs programming in their school.

“As parents of children with autism, my wife Rachel and I are thrilled to be a part of the Dan Marino Foundation WalkAbout Autism,” noted Jeff Ireland, General Manager of the Miami Dolphins. “We know first hand the importance of support services for children and adults with autism and this event will raise money specifically for those services right here in South Florida. Having the event at Sun Life Stadium where Dan played his Hall of Fame career for the Miami Dolphins seems like the perfect choice.”

In 2012, over 15,000 joined together to walk and enjoy a day of music, food, and interactive activities. There are many ways to participate in this great cause. One way to get involved is by opening a company team. Starting a company for the DMF WalkAbout Autism is a great way to bring attention to your business and support our local autism community with your colleagues and customers. For more information on company teams and sponsorship opportunities, please contact Diana Young, DMF WalkAbout Autism Event Manager, at 954-530-5511 Ext. 215 or write to


Dan and Claire Marino established the Dan Marino Foundation in 1992. The Foundation’s mission is to “open doors” toward independence for children and young adults with autism and special needs by creating awareness and opportunities. The Foundation fulfills this mission by supporting comprehensive integrated treatment programs, providing outreach services, advancing scientific research, and building independence through employment and daily living transition programs. The Foundation has raised over $39 million since its inception, which has been used to fund quality-of-life research, build the Miami Children’s Hospital Dan Marino Center, and opening in 2014, Marino College. For more information, please visit

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