Shell Scape, the only manufacturer of colored shell, an alternative ground cover, has made history again. We were selected as the exclusive ground cover product for ABC’s Extreme Makeover Home Edition that was just completed in Cocoa, FL and will air on your local ABC affiliate February 13th, 2011.
Shawn Sundall, managing member says “this was an opportunity to give back and advance our company at the same time; it’s a total Win-Win!” He also added “we closed our office and factory for the show, the staff at both locations donated all of their time to come and experience the show and the install. It’s so nice to know how much your staff believes in your product, we are a ‘give back’ company and know by doing right by others, good will only come from it.”
Bethann Nelson of Shell Scape’s main office also commented “it’s so exciting to see how the company’s hard work and dedication to stay green has paid off. The guys don’t like to do mailers because of the paper usage, they do it all ‘grass roots’ and we were starting to wonder if anyone noticed us. Then this came along and it was a huge relief. People really do care; people really do want businesses to succeed. Go Green!”
Shell Scape shell was designed by its owners as an alternative ground cover to save the continual cutting of trees for the purpose of ground cover. Most ground covers constantly need to be replaced causing more and more damage to our eco system. Shell Scape has invented a proven product that actually saves the end user thousands of dollars over the life of the product, the initial outlay of funds is normally only a small percentage higher, but the benefits continue to be realized for years. Just some benefits are; it will not wash or float away, it is not a habitat for any insects or termites, it promotes plant growth, it retains water better, it is proven in every environment on the planet and it is totally natural. The product is stocked in 6 standard colors but they have 29,000 custom color variations available.
For more information on the product or the company you may visit or call 239-331-5324.