When asked what happiness means, the answer is, happiness is a decision. How is that? It’s categorized as a decision because people have the option to be happy every day, no matter the distractions and noises that are happening in one’s life.
How is this possible? Based on research, 90% of happiness depends on one’s inner self and only 10% of happiness depends on external factors, such as relationships, jobs, money, and other factors. Daily happiness can be achieved by working on thoughts and the manner in which life is approached. These practices can start by resetting or upgrading an individual’s “internal mental disc”.
Andreina Pradas, founder of Inhance, has worked for more than 20 years in the Human Resources field. She has a Master’s Degree in Human Resources Development from George Washington University and postgraduate studies from Cornell and Harvard University. In addition, she had the privilege to work with excellent companies, has a nice family, a great group of friends and good health. She had what many people would call, a great life.
So, what did it for her? It was a divorce that made her experience unhappiness and depression. Even though she had a great life and wonderful opportunities waiting, the divorce took her to the lowest point of her life. She had to allow herself to go through a complex process of grieving, loss, disappointment, and loneliness, which resulted in many years of deep sadness.
It was then when she realized that happiness could be learned. She also learned, at that time, she could relate to people and help them through the pain, since suffering allows us to connect and to become one. Andreina began working on the 7 Happy Elements, which she now uses when working with individuals. She has gone through these 7 Happy Elements and has found scientific evidence that supports each step.
The 7 Happy Elements start with the Happy Mental Disc. The first step is to be aware of thoughts. Start by recording thoughts to evaluate if it’s contributing to the life you want or not. When working individually with people, we go deep into this step. The reason for this is for the person to fully understand the roots of their thoughts and transform them into more positive ones.
It may sound simple, but research supports that our thoughts create our reality. A repeated thought can become, what in coaching is called, an assessment, and these assessments can become realities. For example, if a person keeps saying that they’re “not good enough”, they’re going to believe it despite what people say or think. Start changing your reality by changing your mental disc.
The rest of the Happy Elements include: Happy You (self-love), Happy Us (your relationships), Happy Life (approach towards life, including gratitude), Happy Body (your health, your body), Happy Spirit (your spiritual life, whatever that means to you) and Happy Purpose (your purpose in life). Each element is addressed when working individually or during group sessions, customized for each person and/or group. For companies, Inhance has created a 3-step program called Profit through Happiness, since there is a direct relationship between happiness and productivity.
The 3 steps are Happy You (which includes the 7 Elements), Happy We (team sessions) and Happy Us (changing the company’s work culture). Andreina’s method provides an opportunity for the individual to improve their inner selves, while at the same time working in teams, for the company can create a happier work culture.
Here are some statistics for you to ponder:
– 85% of people who are employed are unhappy – Gallup, May 2018.
– 85% of teachers of the Head Start Program are depressed – Head Start Program, January 2018.
– 51% of workers are constantly looking for a new job – Gallup, May 2018.
These numbers reflect a reality and a need for happier work cultures since companies report between 30% and 80% higher productivity by having happier workplaces. Happiness has also been linked to health, as several studies have shown, which is another reason why Andreina helps companies and people to have a happier work cultures and happier lives. A happy person has a lower probability of having heart attacks, high blood pressure, and many other illnesses. How does this affect companies? A sick person is a less productive one.
The whole idea behind Inhance is to bring the responsibility back to the individual, to you, since you are the only one who can make the change in your life. It’s your life and you decide how you want to manage it. Therefore, it’s not about the company boss, a significant other, or financial situation. It’s about approaching life as a whole – not saying that the external environment does not matter, because it does. People cannot control what happens in life but they can control how to react to it. For these reasons, Inhance with an “I”, because everything starts inside you.
To learn more about the steps, visit www.inhance.life or via email at andreina@inhance.life.