Disability Access Committee chairperson David New led a night of fun as the City of Miami Beach Parks & Recreation kicked off its new “Bowling Nights” program for the visually impaired. September 14, 2012 marked the beginning of new fun and excitement for the Department’s Special Populations program. Bowling for this group will take place every second Friday of the month from 6:00 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. at the Scott Rakow Youth Center, located at 2700 Sheridan Avenue, through December 2012.
Participants from the City’s Special Population program as well as members from the Miami Lighthouse for the Blind and the “Guild for the Blind” were assisted by the City’s Special Olympics Athletes and the North Shore Margaret M. Swett Social Club members, a group of high functioning developmentally disable adults.
Program participants not only had a chance to better their bowling skills, but an opportunity to socialize and have a good time. Bowling ramps were also available for participants who needed a little more assistance to enjoy the game.
Nobody cared about high scores, all they knew is that they were having fun and sharing a special time among friends. It was so rewarding to see them enjoy themselves?, said Jose Polo, Recreation Leader II and program coordinator.
The scores were all over the place, but the most important thing was that they all had fun and went home with a great memory, it truly was a night to remember!
For additional information or to sign up for this or any of the City’s Special Populations programs, please contact Jose Polo at 305-861-3616.
Look for future events and other Miami Beach Parks and Recreation programming in your Recreation Review, call our offices at 305-673-7730 or visit www.miamibeachparks.com.