100+ Women Who Care Donates to the Chamber’s Education Foundation

Chamber Solicits Donations For Schulze Family Foundation Matching Program

100+ Women Who Care selected the Miami Beach Chamber of Commerce’s Education Foundation as its charity of choice at its 4th quarter meeting. Quarterly, 100+ philanthropic women gather and hear presentations from different non-profits and at the end of the meeting they select one non-profit as the recipient of the donations they collected.


The Chamber is happy to report they selected the Education Foundation, which provides grants for teachers, students, medical services and other programs to children in the Miami Beach public school system.


Additionally, the Schulze Family Foundation  will match half of every donation received and the Chamber is accepting donations through November 30, 2018. If you are interested in donating, please contact the Chamber at 305-674-1300 (extension 3110) or email enid@miamibeachchamber.com.

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