Miami Beach Commission for Women is seeking nominations for a Woman Worth Knowing in 2013

The Miami Beach Commission for Women strives to assure that the women of the city of Miami Beach have full participation in the issues that have an impact on their lives. The Commission advises city officials of social, economic, and legal barriers that prevent women from obtaining meaningful roles in the family, the labor force, government and society as a whole working toward the elimination of those barriers.

Mayor Matti Herrera Bower and The Commission for Women seeks nominations for women who are actively involved in fostering positive change in the community through involvement in civic and/or professional activities and meet the prerequisite and qualifications. Nominee shall either be a resident of the city (for a minimum of (5) five years; or has demonstrated ownership/interest for a minimum of (5) five years in a business established in the city. The nominee has to be involved in activities for the betterment of the community on a local, state or national level; and have interests and activities that reach beyond the home and the workplace.

Nomination forms are available on and can be sent to or to the City of Miami Beach, Attn: Wanda Ortiz, Office of the Mayor and Commission, 1700 Convention Center Drive, Miami Beach, FL 33139. For more information, contact Wanda Ortiz at 305-673-7030. Nominations must be received by January 4, 2013.

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