Miami-Dade Animal Services offers cold weather tips for pet owners

chihuahua-820085_640Miami-Dade Animal Services reminds pet owners to consider their pet’s safety during cold weather expected this weekend. It is recommended that all pets be kept inside with a warm place to sleep this evening and during any period of cooler weather.

If a pet cannot be brought inside the home they must be given access to proper shelter and bedding for warmth. A shelter for outdoor dogs is required, by law, at all times to protect the animal from the elements. Puppies and senior dogs do not tolerate the cold as well as adult dogs and it is crucial they be kept indoors.

Before starting your car, tap firmly on the hood and check between the tires— outdoor cats will sometimes crawl into the engine, hide underneath the car or in the car’s wheel wells for warmth.

“A good rule of thumb is if you feel cold, your pet feels cold too,” said Alex Muñoz, Director of Animal Services. “Please remember to consider the safety and comfort of outdoor dogs and show compassion for the neighborhood cats.”

For more information visit the Miami-Dade Animal Services website.

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