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“The holiday season usually marks the most festive time of year, filled with family gatherings and cheerful decorations. Yet these celebrations come with their fair share of hazards,” says Captain Joseph Nargiso of the Miami Gardens Police Department. From physical injuries to theft, the holidays spark major safety concerns. This remains particularly true in the wake of the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. To protect your holidays, Nargiso shares some tips to keep your family safe.
Decorate Wisely
From Christmas trees to elaborate light displays, decorations are a hallmark of the season. However, if done incorrectly, you could be playing with fire. To ensure your decorations do not become a fire hazard, Nargiso recommends checking for frayed wires on light displays and using circuit protections to avoid electrical shortages. How you secure your decor also matters. Do not place any nails into electrical wire, and keep all ladders and decorations away from power lines.
Watch Out For Children
There’s nothing like the holidays to spark children’s imaginations, but their natural curiosity can become risky. When choosing decor, Nargiso encourages people to be mindful of small decorations that can become choking hazards. When installing, he advises that parents “keep them out of the reach of young children and secured to the wall so they’re unable to get tangled in the wires.” He also warns families to “not leave children alone in a room with lighted candles, matches, lighters, fireplaces or any other sources of flames.”
Holiday Packages and Porch Piracy
Online shopping is popular this year due to social distancing, but so is “porch piracy” ― enterprising thieves snatching delivered packages. To avoid theft, “don’t let your packages sit for an extended period of time. Monitor their arrival date and time, install a package lock box, and require a signature on delivery,” says Nargiso. He also recommends talking with your neighbors to see if they can hold your packages if you’re not home.
Pandemic Precautions
COVID-19 is the last guest you should invite into your home for the holidays. Nargiso recommends limiting attendance for family events and wearing masks and personal protective equipment at all times. “And offer alternatives,” he suggests. “Find different ways to share the holiday experience, like through FaceTime.”
To contact the Miami Gardens police department for a non-emergency, call 305-474-6473.