On August 17, 2011 the Miami-Dade County Historic Preservation Board designated the “Arch of Industry” at the Sunshine State International Park as a Local Historic Structure. Completed in 1964, our Arch was finished before its inspiration, the Gateway Arch of St. Louis! South Florida’s industrial pioneer William “Bill” C. Webb developed the industrial park and built the Arch as “. . . a fresh approach to industrial planning . . . a bold new concept . . . Florida’s showcase of industry . . .” His grandson, William “Bill” C. Webb III exclaimed, “That’s great news! I only wish my grandfather could have still been with us to enjoy this honor.” Bill Webb III currently manages the park.
To quote Mayor Shirley Gibson, “It is wonderful! Having the arch designated as the first historical landmark in the city is wonderful, and we are c e r t a i n l y happy to have this prestigious designation.” The Arch is already a part of the City’s identity, having been incorporated into the City’s Seal by Dr. Danny O. Crew, City Manager. The Arch exemplifies Miami Modern or MiMo architecture ( m i d – c e n t u r y modernism). The post-World War II MiMo style has become recognized for its unique shapes, South Florida influence, optimistic style and high quality. In the near future, the City will obtain a historic marker for the site as well as apply for National Historic Designation.
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